摘要: | 隨著近年來汽車電子產業的快速發展,車用的相關電子產品也越來越受到政府與產業界的重視。本整合型計畫提出了適用於行動汽車內的無線視訊會議系統(DVB-Video Conference, DVB-V),此系統技術是建立於歐規數位電視廣播系統,並結合新式的多天線通訊技術加以改良,其目的是為了抵抗兩兩相對移動中的車輛在傳輸時會造成嚴重的都卜勒頻率漂移效應。透過本視訊會議系統可讓使用者在不添購新的用戶端設備情況下,能夠同時享有原有的數位電視廣播以及附加的行動視訊多媒體資訊。車用行動視訊系統涵蓋了電子、通訊、多媒體產業,須整合通訊協定、基頻數位訊號處理、SOC晶片設計技術、影像壓縮處理等等技術才可成功,因此本整合計畫結合了通訊信號處理、視訊信號處理、IC 設計及測試等方面各有專長之教授,各子計畫亦作相應之分工以完成無線視訊會議系統傳收機系統晶片之目標。 The recently rapid growth in automotive electronics industry has been well recognized by the IT (information Technology) related industries and government. The objective of this proposal, DVB-V (DVB-Video Conference) project, is to investigate a feasible solution for a wireless in-vehicle conferencing system. Based on the developed techniques for DVB-T receiver design, previously NSC-sponsored project, this research will integrate the developed architectures with multi-antenna transmission techniques to alleviate the severe Doppler effects caused by mobile-to-mobile transmission. Basically, using the DVB-T system equipment already available in vehicle for multi-media entertainment, additional DVB video conferencing capability will provide a value added feature. In-vehicle video system involves the areas of electronics, wireless communication, and multi-media. To successfully develop such a system, it is required to integrate all talents for developing the techniques such as communication protocol, baseband signal processing, SOC chip design, video data compression, and etc. Therefore, in order to develop a feasible solution to the DVB-V project, this project gathers the faculty members with the expertise including communication, VLSI design and test, and video coding. All sub-projects are closely coupled with each other to reach our goal – develop a complete, feasible SOC design for wireless video conference system. 研究期間:9608 ~ 9707 |