隨著時代的進步,現代人的日常生活對於無線通訊的依賴以及對於無線通訊網路的需求量與日俱增。 從傳統的音訊傳輸到現在的影音多媒體傳輸,人們要求的傳輸速率越來越高,而使用的環境也越來越複雜。 下一世代的行動通訊將以寬頻正交分頻多工技術為基礎,並有效運用多天線加入分集與增進頻譜效率。 而且,傳輸實體層設計必需面臨時變、多重路徑通道且多重使用者干擾問題。 由於無線通訊需求量日增,無線通訊網路資源以及頻譜效率將成為下一世代行動通訊中最為重要的議題。本計畫將以五個子計畫針對多使用者正交分頻多工行動通訊系統之資源配置原理與相關傳收技術作深入的研究。其中,包含兩個關於實體層研究的子計畫;子計畫一:「基於動態資源配置方法之上行鏈多用戶存取正交分頻多工傳收技術研究」與子計畫二:「多輸入多輸出正交分頻多工行動通訊網路下行鏈路之通道估測與相關傳收技術研究」。其中,子計劃一研究著重於上行鏈路之傳輸接收技術,而子計畫二則專注於下行傳輸接收技術; 同時,包含兩個網路第二層相關研究的子計畫;子計畫三:「多重使用者正交分頻多工系統之資源配置問題研究」與子計畫四:「正交分頻多工行動通訊系統之實體層與媒體存取控制層的跨層最佳化研究」。其中,子計畫三又比子計畫四接近於傳輸實體層; 以及,子計畫五:「基於多輸入多輸出正交分頻多工行動通訊架構中通道容量之估計與頻譜效率增進之資源分配技術研究」負責理論部分研究;總計劃則負責最為實務的標準制定過程追蹤與先進技術跟隨。 這五個子計畫緊密合作,兼顧行動通訊實務與理論,深入的研究探討多使用者正交分頻多工行動通訊系統之資源配置原理與傳收技術。 Next-generation mobile communication systems/networks should be based on cellular wideband MIMO-OFDM technologies. Its physical-layer techniques have to well take care of time-varying, multipath fading as well as multi-user interference. Due to rapidly increasing usage/demand of mobile communication network, the limited wireless resources are very valuable, and should be effectively, efficiently and appropriately managed for the purpose of enhancing spectral efficiency, reducing power dissipation and satisfying various applications/users. Therefore, the resource allocation technologies and their relevant transceiving techniques have been considered the most important research topics in next-generation mobile communication systems/networks. In this project, resource allocation technologies will be thorough investigated, derived (in subproject III), and then compared with theoretical spectral analysis (in subproject V) in order to approach theoretical capacity regions/bounds. In addition, optimum-resource -allocation-oriented transceiving techniques will be deeply investigated in this research work (in subprojects I and II) for the purpose of collaborating the physical-layer techniques studied here with the resource allocation technologies under investigation (in subprojects IV). There are five subprojects in the main project. All of these subprojects closely collaborate with one another in order to practically study the core technologies in real-world next-generation mobile communication systems and in order to theoretically investigate the possible limits of the next-generation mobile communication systems in terms of spectral efficiency, capacity regions or CRBs. 研究期間:9608 ~ 9707