本計畫主旨在開發微電鍍技術,製作具有三維之二元合金微結構。計畫中採用本研究室發明之微陽極導引電鍍之製程,使用一直徑為125μm之白金絲微陽極,架設此微陽極於一步進平台上,以間歇模式控制步進平台位移以進行電鍍。電鍍過程中,鍍浴採用銅鎳錯鹽做為合金離子來源,在銅基材上起鍍微合金結構,此合金微結構之成長形狀,由微細陽極引導的運動軌跡決定之,最終鍍得三維微細(micro scale)鎳銅合金組織。研究目標在獲得外貌平滑、內部結構緻密之合金。除了研究此合金之微結構、性質(物理、機械、電性及電化學腐蝕等)與電鍍參數之關係外,本計畫將應用此合金來製作微熱電耦。逐年之計畫重點依序為: 1. 鎳銅合金微電鍍製程開發: 採用合金錯合物理論來拉控制鎳銅析鍍電位,藉以製備具二元合金微結構,使其微結構外貌組織平滑、內部組織緻密之三維合金微結構。 2. 微電鍍合金製品之結構、性質與性能探討: 探討不同製程參數條件下,對析鍍所得微結構性質(包含物理、機械、電性、 電化學腐蝕等)之影響。 3. 研製適用於微機電系統之微型熱電耦: 整合銅微電鍍與鎳銅合金微電鍍之特性,製作微熱電耦並驗證此電耦之量測特性,據此開發出適用於微機電系統之高敏感度、高解析度微型熱電耦。 The purpose of this project is to develop a new technology on fabricating a 3-dimensional nicke-copper alloy micro feature. A patent process, named microanode-anode guided electroplating (MAGE), owned by the applicant will be used to deposit Ni-Cu alloy micro feature in a complex bath containing nickel and copper ions. On the copper substrate, the micro feature grows in a shape controlled by the guiding track of a micro anode (a wire of platinum with diameter 125μm). The objective of this work is to obtain a Ni-Cu alloy micro feature with dense internal and smooth appearance. The microstructure, properties (physical, mechanical, electrical and electrochemical properties) will be investigated. The micro feature will be used to prepare a micro thermal couple that is applicable for micro system. The annual outlines of the project are as follows: 1. First year: Process development of Ni-Cu alloy micro electroplating- The deposition potential of nickel and copper should be theoretically brought to a similar level by addition of adequate complex agent. The electroplating parameters are optimally controlled to obtain a micro feature in dense internal and smooth morphology. 2. Second year: Investigation of the microstructure, properties and performance influenced by the electroplating parameters- The microstructure, properties (including physical, mechanical, electrical and electrochemical) and performance of the Ni-Cu alloy micro feature will be explored. 3. Third year: Preparation of micro thermal couple that is applicable for micro system- Based on the characterizations of copper and Ni-Cu alloy micro features to design a micro thermal couple that is highly sensitive and with high resolution available for micro system measurement. 研究期間:9908 ~ 10007