本研究計畫針對牙科植體術後骨整合程度差異,所造成不同骨缺損型態,發展非侵入式檢測評估技術,探討並定量植體/齒槽骨之骨缺損與植牙結構特性之關聯。透過所發展測量技術,期能改善臨床常用X 光二維影像判讀之不足與僅以量測結構共振頻率呈現整體現象之限制,協助醫生監測病患植體與齒槽骨之整合情形,以提高植牙的成功率。為建立相關檢測評估技術,研究中第一階段將設計植體/齒槽骨體外放大實驗模型,進行實驗模態測試和有限元素模態分析取得共振頻率與振型,相互驗證並歸納結構共振頻率和骨缺損量、方位與深度之關係;第二階段將設計植體/ 齒槽骨體外原尺寸實驗模型,同樣進行實驗模態測試與有限元素分析,取得共振頻率和振型,希望藉此接近真實情況之實驗結果,覆現共振頻率和骨缺損量、方位、深度之關係,建立牙科植體骨缺損定位技術;第三階段利用MEMS 製程技術,設計微感測器,發展檢測裝置設備,進行原尺寸牙科植體之體外、動物及臨床人體實驗,透過量測取得之結果修正調整骨缺損定位檢測機制,使其更加完備合用,以達到長時間連續監測病患植牙狀況之目的,提供給醫生做為診斷參考依據。 This study is to develop the validation technique of irregular osseointegration and associated microsensing instrumentation to this aim for post dental-implant operation. Firstly, a resonance frequency analysis (RFA) based detect technique will be developed to assess the influence of irregular bone-defects with an in vitro model using both numerical and experimental modal analysis (EMA). The developed technique conducted via this research project is able to inspect the osseointegration between the dental implant and tooth bone. Additionally, two enlarged scale models (10:1 and 5:1) are conducted for experimental test, and subsequently different full scale models with irregular bone defects are designated to validate developed techniques. In the second phase of the study, microsensing transducers for both signal generation and detection will be designed and fabricated through MEMS process for eventually clinical uses. 研究期間:9908 ~ 10007