整合型計畫:極端氣候下因應複合性災害橋梁工程調適策略之研究中文摘要本研究由四個子計畫組成,旨在探討在極端氣候下,橋梁面臨複合性災害時所因應之管理與維護策略,以延長橋梁的服務年限,提升橋梁基礎建設之完整性。本研究首先探討災害發生後橋梁之新建與重建,研究重點為如何快速且有效(避免下次災害發生又遭受損毀)進行重建工作,以迅速恢復交通並保障用路人安全並避免下次之災害【子計畫一: 極端氣候下受災橋梁重建與新建策略及工程發包之研究】;而針對現有橋梁則利用遙測影像進行影像分析,找出橋梁附近潛在威脅以進行災害潛勢之判定【子計畫二:複合性災害遙測影像判釋在橋梁工程之應用】;再輔以重要之橋梁致災因素,建立現存橋梁受複合性災害潛勢之指標,以評估各橋之受災潛勢【子計畫三: 橋梁複合性災害潛勢與防救災重要性指標之建立與應用】;當橋梁受複合性災害潛勢指標確立後,可針對橋梁全生命週期各階段中,研議對應之調適策略與全生命週期管理,亦即在資源有限現況下妥善管理橋梁【子計畫四: 極端氣候下因應複合性災害之橋梁永續維護管理策略研究】。而橋梁之重建或新建,又為橋梁另一個生命週期的開始,可從一開始即可規劃生命週期管理,達到橋梁永續營建之目標。 Adaptation Strategies of Bridge Engineering in Response to Compound Disasters due to Extreme Weather Conditions ABSTRACT This research consisting of four subprojects, aims at investigating and establishing adaptation strategies of bridge engineering in response to compound disasters due to extreme weather conditions. The established strategies are guidelines and policies for the bridge management agencies for improving their performance in bridge management and also for extending bridge service lives. This first subproject, entitled “Strategies for Construction and Tendering in Rebuilding of Bridges Damaged by Disasters,” aims at investigating the methodologies for quickly and safely rebuilding of the damaged bridges. The second subproject, entitled “Interpretation of Disaster Images from Remote Sensing for the Applications in Bridge Engineering”, is to discover bridges which could be potentially damaged by disasters from geographical areas which are vulnerable to disasters. The third subproject, entitled “Establishment of Indices of Disaster Vulnerability and Importance of Disaster Remedies for Bridges,” focuses on establishing such indices to identity and rank the importance of bridges. The forth subproject, entitled “Sustainable Management Strategies in Response to Compound Disasters due to Extreme Weather Conditions,” aims at the life cycle management strategies in which optimal uses of limited resources will be emphasized. Results of this integrated project are expected to be helpful in generating useful management and maintenance policies and strategies for bridge management agencies in Taiwan. 研究期間:9908 ~ 10007