本計畫旨在配合核能研究所「有機物電漿氣化發電技術之開發」,進行電漿氣化廠電漿操作特性與氣化性能之評估,以供電漿氣化爐精進之參考。核研所之電漿氣化廠,主要生質物氣化為合成氣,經氣體淨化後,利用淨化後之氣體,作為原料進行發電,或是以淨化後之合成氣作為原料產製高經濟價值的液態燃料。核研所目前的電漿氣化爐,雖能產出合成氣,但仍有焦油生成的問題,例如堵塞管線、降低生質物使用率、增加後續氣體淨化的麻煩等困擾。因此,若能掌握電漿氣化特性與焦油生成之關連性,對於核研所電漿氣化爐的運轉與生質能轉化效率,具有正面的價值與幫助。有鑑於此,本委託研究案將致力分析電漿操作特性與焦油生成之關連性,並評估電漿氣化爐焦油生成率與電漿操作參數之關係、電漿火炬去除焦油效率、氣體淨化系統去除焦油效率、電漿操作參數與焦油生成率之關係,並根據實驗數據進行電漿氣化廠的質量平衡,最後提出最適操作策略之建議。另一方面,本研究案亦會針對焦油之生成特性、採樣方法、分析儀器與技術、電漿去除焦油等方面進行文獻蒐集與回顧,提供核研所未來研究之參酌。 This project aims to evaluate the characteristics of the plasma gasification plant of INER. The results can be a good reference for the development of the plasma gasifier of INER. The plasma gasification plant is designed to convert biomass into synthesis gases (or so called “syngas” hereafter.) These gases are then purified by a set of gas cleaning devices. The cleaned syngas services either as the fuel for electricity generation or as the raw materials for liquefaction into high-economical chemicals. Although INER’s gasifier can product syngas, the gasifier is still suffered by “tar,” which results in clogging of pipes, reducing the biomass energy utilization, and being difficult to the operation and maintenance of the gas cleaning devices. According to the facts, it is deemed necessary to better understand the relationship between the plasma gasification parameters and the formation of tar. Therefore, this project is going to analyze the relationship between the plasma operation parameters and the formation of tar, to evaluate the tar destruction efficiency of the plasma tar cracker, and to investigate the tar removal efficiency of the gas cleaning devices. With the experimental data, this project will provide the mass balance of plasma gasification plant and propose the suitable operation strategy. Additionally, paper reviews on tar formation, sampling of tar, analysis method of tar, plasma tar cracker are also covered in this project. 研究期間:9901 ~ 9912