全球變遷國際參與之推動工作,主要在協助國內學者出席全變相關科研組織之科學指導與規劃會議,參與START之相關活動,並配合設於我國之SARCS秘書處之工作內容,及東南亞區域全球變遷合作研究推動計畫之執行,擴大及深化我國學者在東南亞地區之影響力,也可對東南亞區域全變Capacity Building作出具體貢獻。本計畫簡要回顧國際全球變遷之主要科研結果及我國五年中長程規劃重點,同時說明國科會各學術處與永續會對全球變遷相關研究的支持情形,並指出在國際相關學術組織中,除少數學者外,我國學界幾無影響空間。經相關學者討論後,提出對未來參與國際學術組織的建議:主要將以參與 「全球變遷分析、研究與訓練系統」START委員會,以及協助東南亞區域研究合作為重點;預期每年爭取貳萬美金,與START委員會共同主辦數項國際研討會或短期訓練營或提供獎學金等,以實際行動參與 START、IHDP及DIVERSITAS之國際性規劃推動工作。另外,將爭取經費,鼓勵IGBP、START、SARCS等國際學術組織到台灣召開指導委員會議等。此外,亦將爭取充裕之國際差旅費,以鼓勵與協助國內學者參與國際學術組織之各規劃協調委員會,如每年一次的國際長期生態研究網委員會會議、古全球變遷亞澳區分支規劃會議、IGBP/IGAC/APARE區域委員會議,以及其它類似之具長期規劃與指導性質之會議。而在東亞地區方面,SARCS的相關科學會議也將鼓勵國內學者參加。 SARCS祕書處於2000年8月後由曼谷移設於台灣中壢中央大學內,來負責此區域全球變遷研究、訓練、資料收集、人才培育等工作,責任相當重大,目前已運作超過五年,成效良好。而除推動相關的祕書處業務外,也展開區域全球變遷相關的研究合作,期望能加強我國學者在此區域中的主導地位,本計劃也將盡全力協助達成此目標所須工作之執行。 The goals of the global change research in Taiwan are to evaluate the climate change and its impact on Taiwan in order to formulate appropriate mitigation and adaptation policies, and to contribute to international global change research efforts by sharing local data and participating in international global change research projects. The National Science Council plays a key role in promoting the interactions between the local scientists and the international organizations. The proposal has briefly summarized the scientific achievements from the international global change community, and reviewed the long-term planning of the global change research in Taiwan, along with the analysis of the funding situation supported by the National Science Council. It is clear that except for a few individual scientists, the academia in Taiwan has only minor participation in most of the global change related organizations. After long discussion among local scientists, plans to enhance and promote the participation of local scientists in the related international organizations are proposed. First of all, we suggest to request US$ 20,000 annually for contribution to START for cosponsoring several international workshops/training camps or providing scholarships. Secondly, we recommend to invite START Steering Committee to meet in Taipei so as to allow international scientists to visit Taiwan and meet face-to-face with local scientists. Thirdly, we recommend to secure funding to support local scientists for participating in steering committee or program planning meetings of many different global change related activities. 研究期間:9901 ~ 9912