太空科學,就像大氣科學與地球科學一樣,有賴多點多樣的觀測證據,才能拼湊出各種擾動的時空變化情形。因此如何整合這些多點多樣的觀測資料,已經成為目前國際太空領域的研究趨勢。一個理想的資料庫將有助於多點多樣的資料整合,也有助於理論模式的建構,更有助於未來觀測網與觀測平台的長期規劃。隨著太空科技、電腦科技、與網路科技的進展,目前國際研究的趨勢,趨向區域型大型資料庫的研建,以整合該區域不同種類、不同格式、不同地點的觀測資料。提供研究者一個快速與便利的資料搜尋平台。台灣的太空科學研究團隊,過去已經藉著幾個大型計畫,逐漸的累積了數量可觀且內容豐富多樣的太空觀測資料,同時也培育了多位太空觀測資料庫的建構與管理人才。可惜的是,有一些大型計畫結束後,資料庫缺乏經費與人力維護,而不同種類的資料庫,彼此之間也缺乏一個便利的互通平台。本計畫就是要集合目前國內最大、歷史最有悠久的太空科學研究團隊,整體的力量,研建一個整合國內太空觀測的共同資料庫,提供一個便利搜尋多點多樣觀測資料的平台。本計畫網頁期望成為太空觀測計畫的展示與宣傳櫥窗,也是太空觀測計畫結束後的資料存放地點。正在執行的觀測計畫,可自行建構資料平台,供本計畫網頁連結,有興趣的觀測團隊也可將觀測資料直接放在本計畫網頁平台上,供使用者下載。 Like all geosciences, the multipoint and multi-instrument measurements are essential for the space science researches. Without multipoint and multi-instrument measurements, it will be difficult to distinguish the time variations from the spatial variations, and it will be difficult to identify the cause and result of an observed phenomena. To make a best use of these data sets, national institutions around the world have tried to build data centers or to provide friendly platforms to access these multipoint and multi-instrument observational data in the last ten years. The goal of this project is to build such a platform for the space science data obtained in Taiwan or collected by scientists in Taiwan in the last 30 or 40 years. So the valuable observational data will still be available to the public after the termination of an observational research project. We expect the platform will become a display window for a variety of observational research projects. The executing observational research projects can provide individual platform for each project to be connected with ours. The platform also welcomes any interesting observational research group to directly store their data available for users on our server. 研究期間:9908 ~ 10007