台灣電力公司核能三廠之設計基準地震乃假設1920年6月5日發生在花蓮外海規模8.3之地震,係發生在距廠址35公里之歐亞大陸板塊與菲律賓海板塊交界處,經距離衰減後,推定核三廠的SSE為0.4g,OBE則為0.2g。然而,隨著地質調查研究資料的增加,距離核三廠不到1.5公里之恆春斷層之活動性已漸漸被注意,許多的證據顯示恆春斷層之活動性過去被過於低估,且斷層延伸出海之長度、位置皆尚未釐清。2009年經濟部中央地質調查所第23號特刊中,恆春斷層已由存疑性活動斷層改成暫列為第二類活動斷層,長度約為16公里,使恆春斷層成為核能三廠耐震安全之隱憂。此外,2006年12月26日晚間,屏東恆春外海接連發生兩起芮氏規模7.0大地震,高雄、屏東地區震度達到5級。此次地震為恆春附近地區百年來經歷的最強地震,造成核三廠有地震紀錄以來最大一次之地動記錄,且基於安全考量將核三廠二號機停機,只維持一號機運轉;經過詳細評估後,雖認為核能三廠無論在結構物、機組設備及原始設計皆仍在耐震安全範圍內,但已凸顯電廠耐震安全評估之重要。因此,為釐清恆春斷層對核能三廠耐震安全之潛在影響,並重新檢視原始耐震設計是否合乎需求,特提出本研究計畫。本計畫全程為十二個月,工作內容包含恆春地區之地質、斷層資料彙整、恆春斷層參數整理、恆春地區地震活動探討、核三廠場址振動特性評估、核三廠地動最大加速度與衰減公式之偏差分析、以定值法評估恆春斷層可能造成核三廠之最大加速度值及核三廠設計地震由筏基至地表之地層效應等工作,並提供計畫工作相關之諮詢服務。 The Design Basis Earthquake (DBE) of the Nuclear Power Plant NO.3 (NPP3) of the Taiwan Power Company is assumed that a magnitude 8.3 earthquake occur on the plate boundary near the NPP3 with the distance of 35 km. The SSE and OBE of the NPP3 are respectively 0.4 and 0.2 g based on the assumption. Recently, the activity of the Hengchun Fault has been confirmed. And this fault has been classed as an active fault of the second category by CGS. The distance from the Hengchun Fault which is 16 km in length to the NPP3 is less than 1.5 km. Furthermore, two large earthquakes took place in the offshore areas of Hengchun in Pingtung County successively during the night of December 26, 2006. The seismic intensity in Kaohsiung and Pingtung areas reached CWB5. These were the strongest earthquakes experienced in Hengchun area in a century. Because the earthquakes were located offshore not far from the coast, seismic instruments at the NPP3 recorded the largest motions since the beginning of instrumental recording at the site. As a result, the Unit 2 of NPP3 was shut down while Unit 1 was operating at full capacity. Therefore, the potential influence of the Hengchun Fault on the seismic safety of the NPP3 should be re-evaluated. And the original design of the NPP3 should be review. The Taiwan Power Company decides to perform this project to clear these issues up. The content of this project includes the collection of geology and fault papers, the decision for the parameters of the Hengchun Fault, the seismicity in Hengchun area, the site-effect evaluation, the deviation analysis of the attenuation curve, the PGA evaluation of the deterministic method for the Hengchun Fault and the SSE analysis of layered soil deposits from the basement to the ground surface. This project also provides the consulting service for the Taiwan Power Company. 研究期間:9903 ~ 10003