由TCDP深鑚中取出的12cm主要滑移代斷層泥中,我們持續以微觀的分析,瞭解其顆粒分佈及組織,並探討其與集集地震滑移特性的關係。目前研究中發現,在歷史地震中其顆粒分佈與最新滑移帶有所不同,表現奈米顆粒之粒子,為斷層活動中生成,且會隨時間消失。在2006 年11 月後,TCDP 井下地震儀(TCDP BHS)開始穩定的紀錄,在近二年的觀測中,除記錄高品質微震記錄外,我們亦觀察到其他特別波相,其可能為表現斷層動力破裂特性有關的波相。由其微震的特性,得出尺度關係,顯示地震大小與其ER/M。為正比關係。本年度計畫將持續進行TCDP BHS 觀測,並針對此波相做模擬分析,及斷層帶Q 值特性及非均向性等特性做最近場的分析。 The dynamic modeling of the Chi-Chi earthquake provides the distribution of earthquakedynamic and static stress drop and fracture energy over the fault. The initial stress from leak of test help to estimate the frictional stress to obtain the overall earthquake energy budget of a large earthquake. The analysis from primary slip zone (PSZ) from the TCDP core will give the dynamic history of the historical events, to give the comparison to the behavior of the recent Chi-Chi earthquake. The TCDP Borehole Seismometer installed in 2006 provide the in-situ fault zone behavior observation from micro- earqthuakes. This proposal will continue the observation and analysis from the TCDP BHS and PSZ toward further understanding of earthquake fault zone dynamics from macroscopic to microscopic observations. 研究期間:9908 ~ 10007