30公尺望遠鏡(Thirty-Meter Telescope又簡稱TMT)計劃是由加州大學、加州理工學院和加拿大大學天文學同盟共同提議的下世代可見光和紅外光望遠鏡計劃。已有數個亞洲的天文組織決定參與,其中包括日本國家天文台和中國國家天文台。由於TMT計劃極可能帶動整個天文學的未來發展,台灣天文學界對此非常有興趣。本可行性評估工作將考驗台灣在科學及技術層面的能量和潛力,是否可以及時做出重要貢獻。此外,我們將規劃一路線圖,作為發動和加強國際合作以及本土的相關科技架構和基礎。其中包括一個以大學天文研究單位為主的架構,用以推動和管理各項有關TMT的事務。可行性評估工作包括如何利用鹿林天文台作為台灣本土天文儀器研發的測試站,爭取10m級望遠鏡觀察時間的機制,以及整個TMT計劃参與所需投入的資源和預算估計等等。 The Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) project has been proposed jointly by University of California, California Institute of Technology, and Association of Canadian Universities for Research in Astronomy. Several astronomical institutions in Asia, including the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), National Astronomical Observatory of China (NAOC), have decided to join. This telescope with a diameter of 30 meters will be located at Mauna Kea in Hawaii. The Taiwanese scientific community on optical and infrared (OIR) astronomy is very interested in participation in this major international project which would likely lead astronomical developments in the next generation. The present assessment study will evaluate the scientific readiness and technical capability of Taiwan in making significant contributions to TMT. In particular, a roadmap will be produced to demonstrate how an administrative structure could be built up to manage different activities required to initiate and to consolidate international cooperation and indigenous technological base. The possible steps in consolidating Taiwan’s OIR astronomy via instrument R/D using Lulin Observatory as the test bed and obtaining access to 10-m class telescopes will also be evaluated. A cost plan in joining TMT will be produced. 研究期間:9904 ~ 10003