摘要: | Atacama毫米/次毫米波陣列(Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array; ALMA) 是目前最先進的次毫米波觀測儀器。其先進的觀測能力極有可能改變我們對宇宙的各種認識。ALMA由約七十個大小不一的天線組成,並配備可偵察從90Ghz到1THz的各種接收機。 ALMA前所未有的能力等同開啓了天文觀測的另一扇窗,讓天文學可以探索一些天文中最神秘的未解之謎,像是第一個星星和星系是如何形成的,宇宙中無所不在的冷暗物質究竟是什麼,有多少類似地球的系外行星,甚至找到外星生命的踪跡。台灣己經加入了ALMA的建造計畫,也因此讓台灣的天文學家獲得了與世界其它參與 ALMA建造的國家的天文學家公平競爭觀測時間的機會。我們認為,只要台灣的ALMA觀測計畫能獲得適當的支援,ALMA將會大量地提昇台灣的天文及相關研究。中央大學天文所在傳統的可見光/紅外光天文學及理論研究上,在許多領域,像是太陽系天體,系外行星,變星,合併星系,活躍星系核,星系團,伽瑪射線爆和黑暗物質都有很良好的經驗與成績。另外在某些特定的領域,像是合併星系及活躍星系核也有很好的毫米/次毫米波陣列的觀測經驗。 ALMA計畫的科學目標和中大天文所目前已有的研究主題及興趣非常一致,因此我們希望藉此機會將我們的整體研究視野從傳統的可見光/紅外線擴展到毫米及次毫米波。我們的研究團體將包含五位本所編制下的教師及二位長期訪問學者。由於ALMA的資料量龐大且初期時各種資料處理程序較為複雜及困難,我們也需要聘請二位博士後和一位計算機工程師加入我們的研究團隊。按照ALMA的時程,我們預期在第一年提出一些具有競爭力的觀測計畫,並希望在二到四年間能有重要的成果。藉由參與ALMA的觀測,我們也希望能訓練學生具有全方位的多波段觀測能力,以符合天文學研究的最新趨勢。 The Atacama Large Millimeter/Sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) is a new instrument that might revolutionize our understanding of the cosmic origin. ALMA is composed of about 70 antennas and is equipped with receivers covering the wavebands from 90GHz to 1 THz. ALMA will open a new window in the observational astronomy, allowing astronomers to probe the mysteries of cosmic origin, such as the first stars and galaxies, the universal cold dark matter, active galaxies, solar and extrasolar-planets, and possible traces of life. Taiwan has joined the construction of the ALMA and thus provides an opportunity for Taiwanese astronomers to access this world-class instrument. The instruments will be open to all researchers in Taiwan based on peer-review competition among all contributors of ALMA. We expect that this facility will become a significant promoter of astronomical and related researches in Taiwan if ALMA observational proposals from Taiwan are well supported. We (The Graduate institute of Astronomy at National Central University) have very good experience in theories and optical/infrared observations for different kinds of astronomical phenomena, such as solar system objects, variable stars, extrasolar-planets, planetary nebulae, active galactic nuclei, merging galaxies, gamma ray bursts, clusters of galaxies, and cosmic dark matter etc. We also have experience in millimeter/sub-millimeter observations for some particular scientific projects, such as merging galaxies and active galactic nuclei. The scientific goals of ALMA match well with current research interests of the optical/infrared/theoretical researches at NCU. We will thus like to use this opportunity to extend our horizon of researches from traditional optical/infrared to millimeter/sub-millimeter observations. Our research team will consist of five tenure-faculty members, and two long-term visiting scholars. Because ALMA will generate tremendous amounts of data, we also expect to recruit two postdocs and one computing scientist in helping the data processing and analysis. Following the schedule of ALMA, we expect to propose a few competitive observational projects related to the origin of solar systems and galaxy evolution by the end of the first year, and expect to make impact contributions in 2-4 years. By joining the ALMA observations, we also expect that our students will be trained and become more familiar with the new trend of multi-wavelength observations of astronomical researches. 研究期間:9908 ~ 10007 |