我們申請繼續使用泛星計畫的資料研究天體的變化現象及太陽系天體。位於美國夏威夷的泛星計畫望遠鏡,是個探討時變的革命性觀測儀器,將每個月巡察整個天空數次,據以指認出亮度或位置變化的天體。在過去三~四年,我們已經組成天文與計算機工程學者的團隊,參與開發數據處理與軌道計算的軟體,以及不同的科學小組,內容涵蓋近地小行星、太陽系海王星之外的小天體、銀河系當中的星團、合併星系,以及宇宙當中劇烈的超新星爆發與迦瑪射線爆發現象。台灣為泛星計畫科學聯盟成員之一,提供營運經費並規劃計畫執行。我們目前已經支付之營運經費,得以使用全程3 年數據的權利。此處申請的經費在於維持台灣團隊的科學活動。我們的策略在某些特定計畫(例如太陽系與迦瑪射線爆發源)深入研究,取得領先,而在其他課題則適當參與,以增加研究廣度,預期在2~3 年內會有突破性成果。 We propose to make use of the data collected by the Panoramic Survey Telescope And Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS) to study celestial variable/transient phenomena and solar-system bodies. The Pan-STARRS telescope, located in Haleakala, Hawaii, USA is a revolutionary facility for time-domain astrophysics that surveys the entire visible sky several times a month, to study the temporal or positional variability of celestial objects. In the last 3-4 years, a group of researchers and students, including astronomers and computer scientists, in Taiwan have teamed up to develop the data analysis pipelines, orbital determination software, and join in scientific projects relevant from near-Earth asteroids, trans-neptunian objects, Galactic star clusters, merging galaxies, to distant supernova, and gamma-ray burst events. We are part of the Science Consortium that funds and oversees the operations of the Pan-STARRS 1, the prototype of the full-scale Pan-STARRS (eventually 4 telescope systems). Our previous investments entitle us access to the data taken in the entire 3 year duration of the Pan-STARRS 1 mission. This proposal requests funding to sustain the scientific and software engineering activities of the Taiwanese group. Our strategy is to lead a few projects in the solar-system studies and transient phenomena, while participating in various others to diversify the research fields of our community. We expect to have significant scientific returns within 2 to 3 years. 研究期間:9908 ~ 10007