研究工作分成四大部分。 (1)分析彗星C/2004 Q2(Machholz)的離子尾構造和時間變化以及與太陽風作用的關係。過去觀察到的彗星離子尾的離子密度變化的幅度都未有準確數據,我們的資料預計可補足這個空白。 (2)在TNOs 物體的研究方面,重點在CFHT 巡天觀察計畫的資料分析,目標定在TNO 雙體系統的探索上,作為參加泛星計畫(Pan-STARRS)的前期準備。泛星計畫將成為有史以來最龐大的TNO 搜尋計畫。我們準備利用這個豐富的資料庫,做出最完整的TNO 物體和它們的雙體系統的物理性質的統計。 (3)中央大學搜尋超新星的觀察系統至今已成功的找到14 個剛爆發的超新星,利用鹿林一米和兩米望遠鏡,針對泛星望遠鏡找到的超新星作多光譜分析後續觀測。由於在台灣可以專注南天的目標,所以在這方面可以做出獨特和重要的貢獻。 (4)伽瑪射線爆可見光餘暉的即時觀察,針對GRBs 的宿主星系的光度紅移的多波段測光及計算,目的在於探討用GRBs 來做標準燭光的可行性,探測z=6-7 的深遠宇宙歷史。 We will combine the observational study with theoretical modeling efforts to investigate several topics central to the time-variability of solar system bodies and astrophysical objects. There are mainly four research areas: (1) the outgassing phenomena, coma structures and chemical compositions of different types of comets and their implication on the origin of comets; (2) the dynamical evolution and internal structures of the trans-neptunian objects (TNOs) in general and the binary TNOs in particular; (3) the multi-wavelength follow-on observations of supernovae and the statistical study of the environmental influence and star formation histories of galaxies on the distributions of SNe; (4) the real-time monitoring of the gamma-ray burst optical afterglows and the development of a photometric method to estimate the redshifts of GRBs. These observational activities will be complemented by theoretical study and numerical modeling. 研究期間:9908 ~ 10007