在氣候變遷全球暖化的衝擊下,了解各污染物的大氣化學有其必要。台灣地區臭氧的季節變化顯示春秋兩季最大,夏季極小。與東亞其他低緯度地區相似,這可能顯示光化學與輸送的相關要性。臭氧與大氣中各種其他污染物如NOx, VOC (有機物) etc.彼此也有密切的關係,它們之間的相互作用與的異相反應,影響氣膠的生成,與雲的生成。本劃目標之一即為發展如DIAL (Differential absorption lidar) DOAS (Differential optical absorption spectroscopy) 這些技術,並研究臭氧(O3), NOx(NO+NO2), NOY, SO2, 等微量污染物之探測方法,配合我們現有的氣膠探測,研究它們之間的相互作用關係。進一步探索均相(Homogeneous phase)或異相(heterogeneous) 化學等與aerosol/cloud 形成的角色。 Seasonal variation of ozone and other pollutants in Taiwan is very similar to East Asia region by showing maxima in spring and fall and low in summer indicating close connection with long range transport and photochemical process in the lower troposphere. Ozone is closely related with NOx and VOC (volatire organic compounds), whose mutual gas phase reactions and heterogeneous processes affect environment and climate. In order to understand the atmospheric chemistry of ozone and aerosols, we need to provide methods of monitoring various chemical species. In this work, we would like to develop DIAL and DOAS techniques in the future, for monitoring ozone, NOx, SO2, etc. and combined with our 3D aerosol lidar for studying mutual relationship between ozone and aerosols, and heterogeneous reactions for cloud and aerosol interactions. 研究期間:9908 ~ 10007