本研究以剛性鋪面損壞機率最高之邊、角裂損修補為主要對象,經由材料基本性質試驗以及界面相容性試驗,充分瞭解現行慣用維修材料與混凝土間的黏結特性,並利用有限元素法為工具,對各種不同維修材料特性及不同維修斷面,進行力學及溫度變化模擬分析,篩選出數種適當之組合後,再於實驗室實際製作試體進行模擬維修實驗。 依本研究之結果發現在角隅破損維修斷面上,採用方形維修斷面,有較小之應力、應變現象,且施工方便,故為較佳之維修斷面;在邊緣破損維修斷面上,應力及應變的分布情形會隨維修範圍增大、深度增加而減小,故建議邊緣破損維修時,維修斷面不宜過淺或維修範圍不宜過小。在考慮維修材料本身之耐久性及其物理性質與混凝土之相容性,水泥系為較佳之維修材料,且於界面上塗刷聚合物黏著劑,可增加黏結效果。唯其須較長之凝結時間與養護期,不適用於緊急搶修,若以高分子強化劑取代拌合水,則可縮短其初、終凝時間。 希望藉本研究的結果,能作為國內剛性舖面維修參考,提升剛性舖面維修成效。 The purpose of this research is to find optimum repairing cross section for corner and side failure of concrete pavement. A series of tested and studied to find proper material parameters. To make used of finite element method to simulate the behavior of repaired pavement under loading and temperature changes. Try to analysis the stress and strain for rectangle, triangle, parenthetic, globe and ladder of the repairing section .Several suitable repairing models will then be selected to run simulation test in the laboratory. Results showed the rectangle repairing cross section exhibit low stress and strain than others for corner failure. Side of repairing cross section with very shallow repair and small repair showed relatively higher stress and strain at the cross section. It is expected that the results of this research will be useful in concrete pavement repair, and the efficiency of the repair will be improved.