鑑於日益風行的雲端環境能提供幾乎不受限制的儲存空間、強大的運算能力、可獨立使用的虛擬機器、以及穩定方便的管理介面,此外更可以透過各類不同的傳輸媒體提供客端服務,促使雲端計算平台成為時下最熱門的服務平台。而目前最普遍的傳輸媒體便是網際網路與行動裝置(Mobile Device)。然而,愈來愈多透過網際網路與行動裝置進行各式各樣的惡意破壞行為,因此確保雲端計算平台的資訊安全是一項重要的議題。為此,本案的總體目標在於提供一個於維護雲端服務(含客端)安全機制與其安全服務實驗平台的服務。就本計畫而言,大致分成三大區塊:用於雲端服務之行動裝置與網際網路服務異常行為監控與防護機制(子計畫一);雲端安全服務實驗平台(子計畫二);雲端資安平台(子計畫三)。為了能迅速且有效的管理並確認各子計畫間的產出成品能夠符合預期之需求。因此,本案採用Scrum的軟體開發流程,以確保整個開發案符合預期之成效。 Recently, Cloud computing has become increasingly popular since it can provide elastic service (e.g. Powerful Computability, mega storage, independent virtual machine, and convince management interface). Besides, users can access Cloud services through different media. Nowadays, the common used transport media are Internet and mobile devices. However, there are many types of malicious behavior through Internet and mobile devices. Therefore, the information security of Cloud Service has become an important issue. We therefore propose a mechanism and a testbed for Cloud security services. Our proposal include three services, which are a monitoring and protecting mechanism for abnormal behavior of mobile and Web services (sub-project I), establishment of testbed for Cloud security services (sub-project II), a Cloud Platform and a Cloud Security Model (sub-project III). In order to rapidly and efficiently manage each sub-project, we apply Scrum, an effective software developing process with agility, to assure the software product quality 研究期間:9908 ~ 10007