由於行人們很容易在各種類型的緊急事件中受到傷害,因此,規劃行人在大型公眾聚集的建築物中疏散是非常重要的。在建築物中發生緊急事件時,其中一項最關鍵的準備措施就是建築物裡的疏散指示。本研究提出了一個方法,用於在複雜的建築空間中設計一套緊急疏散指示系統,此系統涵蓋所有空間且包含了最短路徑的疏散路線。因為這個問題以一般的方式解決相當的困難,所以,本研究將這個問題分成兩個步驟去解決。第一個步驟,建立一套沒有限制逃生指示裝置數量的理想化緊急疏散指示系統。在第二個步驟,以理想化的緊急疏散指示系統作基礎,減少逃生指示裝置的數量到一個合理的數字,並使這些逃生指示裝置所涵蓋的面積能達到最大範圍,產生實際的緊急疏散指示系統,其方法為求解一個有額外限制條件的最大涵蓋面積問題。而以理想化的緊急疏散指示系統當作基礎來建立實際的緊急疏散指示系統主要有兩個原因。第一,從理想化的緊急疏散指示系統篩選逃生指示裝置所安裝的位置可以大大地限制最大涵蓋面積問題的可行解空間。第二,實際的緊急疏散指示系統已經不再需要重新計算疏散路線,因為這些疏散路線在理想化的緊急疏散指示系統裡早已計算過,都可以直接用在實際的緊急疏散指示系統中。最後,以全台灣最大的交通樞紐,台北車站地下一樓為實例,用以評估本研究所提出的方法之成效。評估的結果顯示出本研究所提出的方法是非常有效的,並且可以用來幫助建築物中疏散路線的規劃。 The planning for pedestrian evacuation in large public gathering buildings is important because they are vulnerable to various types of emergency events. One of the most critical measures of the preparedness of a building during these events is its evacuation guidance. The paper proposes a method for designing evacuation guidance systems in complex building spaces by solving a maximum coverage problem with side constraints of number of signs and evacuation routes. The solution of the problem is difficult to find in general so the problem is solved in two steps. The first step generates an ideal evacuation guidance system with unlimited number of signs. In the second step, the ideal system is reduced to the actual guidance system with a reasonable number of signs by constraining the number of signs and maximizing the sign coverage. There are two reasons for using the ideal system as a basis for generating the actual guidance system. First, the solution space of the maximum coverage problem is greatly restricted by limiting the sign installation choices to the candidate locations found in the ideal system. Second, calculating evacuation routes for the actual system is not necessary because the routes are readily available from the ideal guidance system. Finally, an example based on a transportation terminal is presented to validate the methodology. The results show that the proposed methodology is effective and can be used for supporting emergency evacuation planning for buildings.