近年來台灣國內航空在國內運輸市場逐漸萎縮,探就其原因為台灣高速鐵路加入營運,使得國內航空西岸之航線因運量大幅下滑紛紛停駛,說明了不同航線將會因面臨不同顧客市場、競爭對手與經營環境而受影響,為了解某些航線績效不彰之原因,故本研究將以航線作為績效分析之DMU,探討民國95年至98年國內四家航空公司所經營31條航線,透過文獻回顧與相關分析法,選定2個投入變數、2個產出變數與1個服務變數。 本研究主要以共同麥氏生產力指數(Meta-Fronter Malmquist Productivity Index, )對國內四家主要經營國內航線之航空公司進行分析,將航空公司以不同規模大小分為2組,以第一階段投入所建構出的CCR模型評估技術效率,以及第二階段產出所建構的CCR模型(CCR-O)評估服務效果,運用麥氏生產力指數(Malmquist Productivity Index, MPI)分析各年度之績效,並針對無效率航線的國內航空公司,提出改善方式與幅度,以供相關單位參考。 In recent years, commercial services of domestic aviation have been declined due to the growing market share of Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR). Different influences from market segments competitors and operating environment cause dramatically decreasing amount of western airlines services in Taiwan. To find out the main reason of gloomy performance, we choose thirty-one routes of four domestic airlines as the DMU of performance analysis, and dedicate two input/output variables and one service variable according to literature review and the relevant analysis. In this study, we use Meta-Fronter Malmquist Productivity Index( ) to analyze productivity of four main domestic airlines . First, four main domestic airlines are separated into two groups by their scales. Second, we build two different CCR models (CCR-I and CCR-O) to estimate cost efficiency and service effect. Third, Malmquist Productivity Index (MPI) is used for analyzing annual effects and better solutions are proposed for improving ineffective routes of domestic airlines.