本研究以營建廢棄物經處理後之去化、流向及再利用成果為首要課題,調查現行執行與管理機制,對於營建廢棄物經處理之產品與流向,提出落實營建廢棄物資源化及管理對策,來提升再生資源使用成效。以營建廢棄物處理業者與工程主辦機關為問卷填答對象,調查填答者對於營建廢棄物再生、品質、執行管理所應考慮之準則,以李克特五尺度問卷進行調查。以項目分析剔除不佳之題項,然後再對正式問卷之結果進行描述性統計、因素分析。 目前再利用操作執行以施工便道、回填為主,總量龐大且資源化效果不佳,其中土石方(24%)、廢棄混凝土塊(11%)、廢磚(21%),佔營建資源出場達56%,大多付費運送到土資場作為處理。 問卷調查結果再利用機構業者認為1.再生物料產品無毒性2.再生物料輸送的遠近3.供料數量穩定4.環境保護5.再生產品的均勻性對後端產出的資源物再利用執行意願影響最大;而工程主辦機關問卷調查結果1.訂定再利用產品之規範、標準2.目前現況來看需加強資源化分類處理及加工再利用之技術3.積極研發再利用產品及推廣其用途4.工程相關單位編寫再利用產品之使用手冊5.建立再利用產品之品質認證機制6.需注重再生資源產出檢驗等,對資源產品再利用影響最大,透過因素分析問題因子集中在政策管理與品質管制,顯示營建資源推廣問題上面臨政策的推行與再生資源品質的困難。結合現有的科技與資訊技術,透過科技化的方式減少人為的涉入及資訊的即時與正確性,落實營建廢棄物流向管理的目的。 In this study, the topics of the research are that the construction waste treated as resource material is results of the reusing and flowing. To take advantage of construction waste disposal industry and engineering authority for the survey object, recycling, quality and management of construction waste investigation should consider the implementation of the criteria by using Likert scale. SPSS factorials analyze the questionnaire by descriptive statistics and factor analysis. Most of the implementation of re-use in construction of access roads and backfilling, it’s reused of the poor performance of the large amount. Most of the resource material pays to deliver to other processing organization. Factors factor analysis of the problem focused on the policy management and quality management show the difficulties of construction resources to promote the implementation of policy and quality management of renewable resources. Therefore, re-use have the potential to promote regeneration by sound regulatory policy and improve the quality of management.