本文探討在新虎克定律橡膠材料固體圓球上施加呆荷重和衝擊荷重,固體圓球內部微小孔洞的反應。橡膠材料在很多方面都有不少應用,如土木工程的建築物隔震器、機械方面的輪胎等等都有使用橡膠材料。當橡膠內部有微小孔洞則外部受力後微孔會有擴張,若發展成不穩定的擴張運動可能會造成橡膠結構上的破壞。本文將探討新虎克橡膠材料內部微小孔洞受到呆荷重和衝擊荷重作用下的動態反應,當這些荷重到達某個臨界值微孔會產生急速的擴張,而我們要計算出這些荷重臨界值的具體數值。 In this paper, a response of solid sphere composed of neo-hookean material which has a micro-void in the center is studied. The outer surface of the sphere is subjected to dead load and impulse load. Materials of rubber have many applications in many areas, such as vibration isolation equipments and wheel tires, etc. If the rubber is embedded with a micro-void, then this void may grow when the outer surface of the rubber is subjected to some tensile loadings. Such kind of growth will become unstable after the loadings reach to some critical values. And unstable growth means the local failure of the material. This thesis studies the dynamic response of a neo-Hooken sphere which has a micro-void and is subjected to a suddenly applied dead load and impulse load simultaneously. We want to compute the critical value of the dead load and its variation due to the interaction with the impulse load.