消防安全設備檢查工作是消防機關火災預防的首要工作之一,近年來我國經濟發展蓬勃,法令列管場所的數量及消防全安檢查的工作量亦隨之增加,兩者皆影響了消防安全設備檢查工作的完成。然而,在一般消防單位對於安檢排班的方式大都是主管依經驗編排,缺乏一種有系統且快速的方式。因此,在有限的消防人力下,如何公平地、有效地解決排班問題,已為現今的重要議題之一。 本研究是針對消防人員安全設備檢查排班,利用各種參數設定,規劃出一套以整數規劃為架構之數學最佳化模式。並利用LINGO8.0軟體來規劃求解,除此之外,本研究可因應各種不同勤務狀況,隨時依外在條件不同或限制改變調整設定參數,輕易地重新規劃安檢人員指派。 為驗證模式之適用性,本研究以新竹竹消防局為範例測試,測試結果確實較人工經驗指派效率更高。而本模式優越的效益更可運用於消防學術及實務界上。 For fire institutions, the fire safety inspection duty is one of primary fire prevention works. In recent years, the flourishing of economic development of our country increases the total number of the inspection regulated places and the workload of the fire safety inspection. Both have sure influence on the efficiency of the fire safety inspection duty implementation. However, a systematic and rapid fire safety inspection schedule is excluded from fire departments,the operation assignment mostly depends upon the managemant’s experiences.Therefore, under limited firefighters, how to to solve the scheduling problem optimistically and fair become one of the important topics now. This study aims at firefighters schedules of the fire safety inspection duty using parameters to establish an optimum mathematic model by integer regression. As to the approach for problem solving, the mathematic programming of LINGO8.0 software is adapted for this solution. In addition, This model can also be easily modified to suit different cases encountered by adjusting the parameters when external environmental and constraint factors change. This study adopts the fire safety inspection schedules of Hsinchu City Fire Bureau for verification. And we find that the optimistic model can solve the fire safety inspection scheduling problem more efficiently than traditional manual methods. The result reveals that this research model functions excellently and therefore can be the reference for both academic and practical fields.