營建基地土方作業在現實工作環境派遣工作大多由現場工程師或工地主任安排,而工作的安排常憑經驗,根據合約需求或現有的資源配合進度,通常未以科學的方法作一系統性的分析、比較與評估,故現場工程師或工地主任之能力及經驗往往決定土方調派工作的成敗,利用提高機具的使用率及成本降低已為現今的重要議題之一。 本研究模式以台灣常見挖土機開挖配合傾缷卡車載運,並考量土壤材質出售價格回饋成本,進行基地土方工程為研究範圍。建立一套以整數規劃為架構之數學最佳化模式,協助工地管理者將機組統一規劃派遣方案,以使衍生之派遣成本最小化增加收益。當外在環境及限制條件改變時,本研究模式可隨時依最新條件調整參數,重新進行後續挖土機開挖及卡車載運機組派遣。另針對各種參數之敏感度變化趨勢,主動調整相關參數,以因應實務變化得挖土機及傾缷卡車派遣方案。本研究將各案件之基本資料及限制條件訂定各限制式之參數,將資料以EXCEL軟體方式輸入LINGO8.0套裝軟體求解,即可得挖土機開挖及卡車載運後之總派遣成本最佳化之結果。本研究模式以中、小型營造廠執行營建工程之土方作業工項為範例測試,測試結果與人工經驗決策及指派方式比較,顯示成效良好。故本研究模式可靈活運用於各類挖土機開挖配合各式傾缷卡車載運派遣規劃,可為重要參考依據。 Operations and procedures for earthwork construction are usually arranged by on-site engineers or site managers in accordance with construction schedule, and taken into considerations the contractual requirements or available resources. These arrangements are normally planned, however, based on experiences and not scientific methods with systematic analyses, comparisons, and assessments. Therefore, the success of earthwork deployment is dependent upon the capability and experiences of site manager; the needs to increase machinery usage rate and to reduce cost has become one of the most crucial topics in the construction industry today. The premise of study model for this thesis is established upon the earthwork construction within a construction site carried out by excavator and dump truck as typically seen in Taiwan, with considerations given to the cost savings yield from sales of soil types. An integer programming based mathematical optimization model will be established to assist the site manager in comprehensive machinery dispatch planning, in order to increase profit by minimizing the dispatching cost. When there are changes in the external environments and constraints, this study model can update the parameters accordingly to continue the subsequent dispatch of excavator and carrier trucks. In addition, the model will automatically adjust relevant parameters according to the trends of sensitivity of each parameter, in response to the actual dispatching program for excavators and dump truck. In this study, the basic information and restricts of each case determines the set of constraints of each parameter; the data are entered into LINGO 8.0 via EXCEL to obtain the optimal results of overall excavator and truck dispatching cost. This study model is tested with earthwork construction executed by small and medium-sized contractors. The testing results demonstrated good outcomes when compared against the dispatching operations and decisions based on managers’ experiences. Therefore, this study model is an important reference basis, and can be flexibly used in any dispatching planning involving various type of excavators and dump trucks.