隨著環境變遷,災害類型亦趨複雜及多樣化,民眾對於「消防」的觀念已從「火災發生,通知消防隊滅火」,演變至「一通電話,服務到家」、「24小時不打烊」,然而,在政府有限人力及經費條件下,導入「政府力量有限,民力資源無窮」之觀念,運用消防志工投入協助政府機關防救災工作,其發揮之整體能量不容小覷。 本研究透過義勇消防組織或災害防救團體等消防志工協助桃園縣政府防救災工作,從法規面、制度面及實際執行防救災宣導、災害搶救、緊急救護及各項防救災工作時,志工組織及政府機關於每個過程所面臨之問題及困境或實例探討所發現之問題,尋找可能之解決對策或方案。 本研究發現,消防志工除積極投入災害防救工作外,政府機關亦需制定統一之審查標準、完善的教育訓練、福利、保障機制、明確的協助工作內容及專責的業務承辦窗口作為後盾,透過良好的溝通與互動,方能創造民間與政府兩造之間雙贏之環境。 As the environment changes, disaster types have become more and more complex and diverse. The concept of “fire”for people also evolved from “ fire, inform fire brigade fire”to “ a phone call home”,“24 hours without closing”. However, under the circumstance of limited manpower and budget of government. An idea was imported“government forces are limited, private resources are infinite.” The domination of fire volunteers to assist government agencies into disaster prevention rescue work. The overall energy should not be underestimated. In this study, through volunteer fire service organization or organizations such as disaster prevention and relief volunteer assist the Taoyuan County Government fire prevention and relief work. From the regulation, system and the actual implemention propaganda of disaster prevention, diaster rescue, emergency and the disaster prevention. By searching the the problems and difficulties that volunteer origanization and govement agencies will meet in every single process.For looking for possible countermeasures or programs. The study found that the fire volunteers dedicate themselves to involve in disaster prevention and relief, the Government agencies also need to develop uniform standards of examination, overall education and training, welfare, protection mechanism, assisting a clear job content and dedicated business contact window as a backup.And through good communication and interaction to achieve the win-win situation between the private and government.