生態工程用已行之多年,但距離目前政府推動之永續公共工程與綠建築方向,仍有一段距離,現階段主辦機關與主管單位僅針對工程施工品質進行階段性查核,與後續進行工程評比等相關作業,卻未見一套可以使用於工程生命週期間各階段之評估準則,可見得對於工程檢核與效益評估上仍有不足之處。 本研究將以生態工程於野溪整治之應用上為研究基礎出發點,參考公共工程委員會金質獎評比標準、新北市政府優質獎評比標準、永續公共工程指標、綠建築指標以及公共工程委員會與新北市政府採購處之查核作業辦法,並透過相關文獻彙整後,進行問卷相關內容之設計,以專家訪談方式,兼具理論與實務性,建立野溪整治工程評估準則,進一步以實際完成案例進行問卷可行性之驗證,透過此評估準則建立後,將可提供無論是工程生命週期之各階段時期參考依據,更可以進行工程效益評估,最佳專案之挑選,進而充分了解工程是否有不足之處,有助於工程品質與價值之提升,更將有效改善主辦機關於創新工法與新材料使用上觀念轉變,已符合永續公共工程發展之願景。 Ecological engineering methods have been used for many years, but there is still a long distance need to improve in sustainable public engineering and direction of green construction that been promoted by government. Unfortunately, most examination units only do periodic checking of construction quality, competitions of following construction and other relative operations. But there is no any assessment rule can be used in all steps of a period of engineering construction. Therefore, it is still inadequate in examining of construction and benefit assessment need to improve. The research we will mainly explain the application of straightening out the Torrent by adopted ecological engineering. At the same time we refer to some examining standard that was established by government or credibility association, and synthesize relative literature to devise questionnaire. Then fill the questionnaire by interview one on one to get usable data effectively and quickly. Through analyzing data, we establish a standard to examine engineering construction of straighten Torrent by ecological engineer. Furthermore, we check the feasibility of questionnaire by statistic form successful case. Finally, after we establish this standard, will provide not only the reference in various stages of a period of engineering construction, but also can set up a complete assessment of engineering benefits for picking the best solution. Thus we can get fully understanding to judge a situation of engineering construction, and it will be helpful to improve the quality of engineering and value. Even it will be more effective to improve and change vision of our government in creating new method of engineering or adopting new environment material for reaching to the target of sustainable public engineering development.