本研究自主建立了學生衛星地面無線通訊遙傳與追蹤與控制站(TT&C),並且成功接收到衛星摩斯碼。整個地面站包含了三個主要的次系統:追蹤次系統、發射次系統、接收次系統。在架設完成後也做了整體性能的測試,驗證地面站整體實際能力。 在追蹤次系統上使用了伺服馬達提升了追蹤速度及精準度,在發射與接收次系統上完成了三個頻帶:UHF、VHF、S-band的架設,在系統操作上則完成了人機介面的軟體整合,提高操作順暢性。在整個架設過程中留下了完整的規劃與紀錄,提供未來地面站架設參考。 本論文對於進行地面站架設與研究所需了解的相關知識做了初步的介紹,對於地面站架設的具體實現有完整的規劃,針對建立完成的地面站也進行了性能的校正與測試的實驗,相信這些經驗可以做為未來進一步研究的基礎。 In this research we constructed a student satellite Telemetry, Tracking and Command (TT&C) ground station, and we have successfully tracked and received signals from a Morse code transmitting satellite. The ground station consists of three main sub-system: tracking sub-system, radio signal transmitting sub-system, radio signal receiving sub-system. We conducted calibration tests to verify the system functionality and performance specifications. In the tracking sub-system, we used servo motor to achieve the tracking speed and accuracy requirements. A three-band: UHF, VHF, S-band radio transmission and reception subsystem was constructed. The subsystems are integrated by software for appropriate user interface for operation as well as testing and calibration. This experiences and know-how learned in the process of construction are documented as a reference for further ground station development in the future.