本論文主要研究與開發一發光二極體(LED)智慧照明系統。主要研究工作包含:二次光學透鏡設計、遠端通訊控制電路設計、智慧調光控制設計、室內照明眩光分析等最後並作此燈具照明的可行性評估。 首先,我們使用利用幾何光學理論建構之簡易程式,進行快速二次光學透鏡初階優化設計,並以光學追跡模擬軟體作出光模擬驗證。做為照明光源,將光源裝置在設計的二次光學透鏡後,使人眼直視時較為不舒適的LED光源,改善成一較為均勻低眩光的燈具,並且減少因透鏡而損失的光源使用能量。 另外,在考量搭配感應系統即時回饋控制,加入的電路脈衝寬度調變調光(Pulse Width Modulation dimming,PWM dimming)裝置,使燈具可隨著感應系統傳達的訊號,設計結果可調整使用亮度於10%~100%最大亮度。最後利用照明設計軟體DIALux匯入燈具建立照明環境做適當規劃,並模擬驗證此空間可以達到照度標準、節能與低眩光之光環境。 經驗證照明空間眩光值指數UGR值與GR值皆在範圍內,滿足學校與辦公室舒適需求,並且在節能方面整體能量使用上較以往T8節能照明燈具減少了60%。 This thesis is to develop a light-emitting diode (LED) intelligent lighting systems. The research includes: Secondary optical lens design, the intelligent control circuit design and the feasibility assessment of our design. To develop a luminaries system that complies with the concept of green lighting, first we using the LED as the light source and combination the secondary optical lens structure along our better design. Then we using the optical lens array designed to build the single and multiple pieces of high power LED lamp models that could maintain the efficiency of light. In order to adjust the lighting brightness for the better use immediately, we will add dimming and lighting control systems that make the lamp could adjust automatically. Finally, we use analysis software to create lighting model then simulation and verify that if the light can reach the standard of illumination to ensure that keeping in energy-saving and suitable conditions.