本研究為得出室內溫度與壓縮機轉速之關係,並得出空調機之最佳控制策略。由蒸發器及室內環境的能量平衡,和壓縮機轉速與冷媒流量關係,得知室內溫度與壓縮機轉速之關係為二階的轉移函數。 現行空調機的控制策略分為三部分,第一為壓縮機的啟動策略,其次為在不同室外溫度下,溫差所對應的初始轉速命令,第三為壓縮機轉速隨室內溫度之變化。此外,在室內溫低於設定溫約2 ℃時,壓縮機停機,等到室內溫與設定溫約相同時,壓縮機再次啟動。 在相同室內溫度變化下,由室內溫與壓縮機轉速關係式所得之控制策略與現行空調機控制策略相比,壓縮機轉速約低200 rpm至400 rpm。 In this thesis, the relationship between indoor temperature and the compressor speed is obtained by the conservation principles of energy in the evaporator, the mass flow of refrigerant, and the indoor dynamics. An second-order model structure with indoor temperature and compressor speed is setup. There are three stage of the original controller in the air condition. The compressor speed of the first stage is opening. The compressor speed of the second stage is decided on the difference of setting temperature and indoor temperature. The compressor speed of the third stage is changed with the change of the indoor temperature. Comparing the new control strategy with original control strategy in the same change of indoor temperature, the compressor speed of new control stragety is less 200 rpm~400rpm than oringal control strategy.