常見的超塑性製程多以平板直接吹氣成形,且成形形狀都呈簡易對稱之形狀、少有曲面複雜且幾何外型不對稱之實際工件製作,本論文即以飛機製造業使用之鋁合金蒙皮零件“機翼前緣整流罩”為超塑成形之研究主角,且在執行超塑成形前將先加入材料的折彎預成形加工,過程中使用5083鋁合金並應用計算之壓力-時間成形曲線來作超塑成形、除了折彎預成形製程外、同時嘗試以5182鋁合金來執行預成形材折彎後的室溫引伸製程之試製與評估,材料的折彎預成形目的是為了使板材在尚未執行超塑性製程前便已縮短材料與成形模具的距離,並使之更容易完成超塑成形,其中若再加入引伸加工之製程目的也是用來縮減成形距離與成形時間,不同類型的折彎預成形形狀,使得材料在執行超塑成形時將有不同的流動方式,材料在高溫環境中的變形趨勢,將直接影響材料與模具模壁的接觸模式,為此本實驗藉先分析一般平板工件的成形趨勢、材料從平板的變形曲線變化趨勢至折彎預成形板材的曲線變形趨勢,由淺入深,以此要領來分析整流罩的超塑成性形研究,目的更在於完整流罩工件(亦稱“全尺寸工件”)的吹製。 Superplastic Forming (SPF) Processes usually uses plates to produce simple and symmetrical shapes, however, complicated and non-symmetrical shapes are seldom produced using SPF. This thesis focuses on using SPF to manufacture the aluminum ”Fairing Cover” used on an actual commercial airliner. The pressure-time curves were calculated for commencing SPF process. The materials used for the research was 5083 aluminum alloys. The processed plate undergoes a pre-form bending process before SPF in order to shorten the distance between the material and the mold. In addition, 5182 aluminum alloys was used to evaluate the feasibility of room temperature drawing of the bent pre-form to further shorten the material’s distance to the mold and decrease SPF processing time. Different pre-form shapes have different flow patterns and the pre-form shapes directly influence how the material contacts the mold during high temperature forming. This research analyzes the deforming trend from plate and from the bent pre-form, in hopes of completing the full size fairing cover component using SPF.