摘要: | 在「五四運動」後,由於國外各種思潮不斷湧進,張聞天(洛甫)接受了現代民主思想的啟蒙,逐漸變成馬克思主義的信徒,決定加入中國共產黨。1925年張聞天接獲中共通知前往俄國莫斯科中山大學留學,此一留學生涯,讓他經歷了一連串的鬥爭,因此被劃為和王明等人同一派的「二十八個半布爾什維克」之一。此時國內由於「立三路線」的失敗,共產國際有意在中共六屆四中全會培植留俄學生進入中共的領導核心,於是張聞天在中國共產黨開始嶄露頭角。在國軍圍剿攻勢下,上海的中共中央領導機關被迫轉移,1933年決定成立臨時中央遷入中央蘇區,此時因為遭到毛澤東勢力的抵制,張聞天與秦邦憲(博古)聯手出擊發動「反羅明路線」。「福建事變」後,兩人在處理態度上產生嚴重分歧,再加上秦邦憲利用職權排擠張聞天,因而產生「博(古)洛(甫)矛盾」。毛澤東利用了「博洛矛盾」拉攏張聞天形成「毛洛合作」,在遵義會議上提出要求改變中央領導結構。自此中共中央領導核心重組,張聞天接替秦邦憲,出任中共中央最高領導人,毛澤東則乘機奪回軍權。紅軍結束長征落腳陜北蘇區後,張聞天一方面為了傳達張浩帶回的共產國際指示,另一方面因為日本侵華舉動不斷,決定召開瓦窰堡會議,建立廣泛的抗日民族統一戰線。同時為了減輕紅軍在陜北蘇區的軍事壓力,所以積極對東北軍和西北軍的展開統戰攻勢。西安事變發生後,中共決定接受共產國際的指示,和平解決西安事變。爾後盧溝橋事變爆發,國共雙方因日軍加緊侵華的攻勢,促成「國共第二次合作」,中共成為西安事變最大的贏家。1938年王稼祥帶回共產國際的指示,迫使張聞天將政治權力移轉毛澤東,張聞天和毛澤東之間的合作關係急遽生變。毛澤東為了統一黨內思想,認為主宰中共意識形態的張聞天等留俄幹部,是他成為中共最高領導人的絆腳石,所以發起延安整風,打擊留俄幹部。1945年中共召開「七大」,毛澤東昔日的政治對手在全黨面前向他俯首稱臣,張聞天更是不斷反省、檢討、改過,以服從毛澤東的意旨。即使張聞天曾經位居中共中央最高領導人,事實上,他只是扮演「虛君」的角色,他始終只是毛澤東的棋子而已。 After the May Fourth Movement, various movements kept streaming in from overseas; thus Zhang Wentian (Luo Fu) gradually became a Marxist through the enlightenment of modern democratic ideas, and decided to join the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). In 1925, Zhang Wentian was sent by the CCP to study abroad at Moscow Sun Yatsen University in Russia, which allowed him to experience a series of political conflicts, and was categorized as one of the Twenty-eight and a half Bolsheviks, the same faction that included Wang Ming. Meanwhile, due to the failure of the Lisan Line within the nation, the Communist International intended to cultivate students studying in Russia to enter the leading core of the CCP during the Fourth Plenum of Sixth Central Committee, and thereafter Zhang Wentian began to ascend in the CCP. With the Kuomintang (KMT) forces attacking from all sides, the central leading institute of the CCP in Shanghai was forced to relocate. In 1933, it was determined to transfer temporary central authority to the Soviet Region. Due to suppression from Mao Zedong’s forces, Zhang Wentian and Qin Bangxian (Bo Gu) jointly initiated the Anti-Luo Ming Line. After the Fujian Incident, serious disputes occurred between the two; furthermore, Qin Bangxian attempted to edge out Zhang Wentian by using his authority, thereby resulting in the Bo (Gu)-Luo (Fu) Conflict. Mao Zedong took the opportunity of the Bo-Luo Conflict to draw Zhang Wentian closer to form the Mao-Luo Collaboration, and proposed to alter the central leading structure during the Zunyi Meeting. The central leading core of the CCP was reconstructed, with Zhang Wentian taking over Qin Bangxian’s position to act as the highest central leader of the CCP, while Mao Zedong regained control over the military. After the Red Army ended the long battle and settled down in the Soviet Region in Shanbei, Zhang Wentian decided to issue the Wayaobu Manifesto for two reasons. The first was to convey instructions from the Communist International brought back by Zhang Hao; the second was to establish the Anti-Japanese National United Front in order to fight back the constant attacks from Japan on China. At the same time, in order to reduce the military pressure of the Red Army in the Soviet Region in Shanbei, active attacks were taken towards the Northeast Army and the Northwest Army. With the occurrence of the Xi'an Incident, the CCP decided to follow the instructions of the Communist International, and resolve the Xi'an Incident peacefully. Then with the outburst of the Lugouqiao Incident, the CCP and the KMT once again worked together to form the second cooperation due to aggressive attacks by the Japanese army on China; thus the CCP became the biggest winner of the Xi'an Incident. In 1938, Wang Jiaxiang brought back instructions from the Communist International, which forced Zhang Wentian to hand over political power to Mao Zedong; thus the collaborative relationship between Zhang Wentian and Mao Zedong deteriorated drastically. In order to unify factions within the party, Mao Zedong believed that officials in Russia, including Zhang Wentian, who were in control of the ideology of CCP were the greatest obstacles preventing him from becoming the highest leader within the CCP; therefore he initiated the Yan'an Rectification Movement to breakdown the officials in Russia. In 1945, the CCP called the 7th Party Congress, where all of Mao Zedong’s past political competitors bowed down before him in front of the entire Party; even Zhang Wentian engaged in acts of introspection, self-criticism, repentance and reform, all on obeisance of Mao Zedong. Even though Zhang Wentian used to be the highest leader of the CCP, in fact, he was merely playing the role of an empty sovereign; he was always just a chess piece for Mao Zedong. |