本研究目的在於探討熱對藍光晶片搭配螢光粉之白光發光二極體(pc-LED)的影響,主要透過對一藍光晶片之輻射頻譜,其峰值波長在YAG的激發頻譜高峰左側,晶片受熱後,其輻射頻譜會紅移往YAG螢光粉之激發頻譜高峰靠近,如此會令更多藍光被 YAG激發出來,因此使轉換出來的黃光增加 ; 另一方面,螢光粉受熱會有熱衰現象,導致藍光被轉換之效率變低,這兩個因素相互作用的影響下,藉由評比色溫與色座標的漂移量降至最低、甚至幾乎不動,研究藍光晶片搭配YAG螢光粉能夠達到色彩穩定技術之條件,並透過實際封裝來進行分析與驗證。 In this study, the thermal effects on LED color performance, such as CCT and chromaticity coordinate, were studied. As the temperature rises , the spectrum of bare chip will red shift that will let the efficiency increase or decrease. This phenomenon will be helpful to compensate the decay of the yellow light which results from thermal quenching, and it will achieve the stability of color performance. The purpose of this study is to achieve the minimum deviation of CCT and color coordinate by combining the bare chip with specific peak wavelength and phosphor YAG. In the end, based on the result of packing, we analyzed and verified our hypothesis.