在一般生化反應中,對樣品的分析通常包含三個典型步驟,即樣品分離處理、生物化學反應、結果檢測與分析。但此過程之程序不僅耗時且耗成本。因此本實驗提出將EWOD微流體系統做為驅動元件,感測元件則是選用波導共振方式檢測之光學元件,將兩元件整合為數位式微流道檢驗晶片,並透過電腦之控制進而使驅動與偵測能同步即時進行,並於感測元件部分設計兩個偵測點,用以進行同時多點偵測和訊號比對,使實驗量測之反應訊號更加準確。 As analyzing the general biochemical reactions, there are three essential processes for the diagnostics, which are sample preparation, reaction, and detection. In the conventional process, it is too much time-consuming and expensive in cost. In this study, an integrated microchip has been implemented for the improvement. With the integrated microchip, it has demonstrated the combination between the effectively actuating module and the sensitively sensing module such that the whole biochemical reaction can be diagnosed very quickly and spending small amount of samples as possible. Finally, the sensitivity of the microchip sensors has been explored.