基因表現量的觀察和分析一直是一件很重要的課題。基因表現量有許多方法和技術可以測量,而微陣列技術因為其高通量和相對低成本的優點,近年來已廣泛的被使用於測量基因表現量。但是不同的微陣列預處理方法得到的基因表現量會有差異。這些差異可能會造成選擇上的困惑。所以我們做了一個分析研究,以即時聚合酶鏈鎖反應方法測量到的基因表現量為準,用來比較不同的微陣列分析流程/方法之間的差異。 Observation and analysis of gene expression are very important issues. There are many different methods and technologies to measure gene expression. Recently, the microarray technology has been widely used to measure gene expression because of its high-throughput data and relative low cost. But gene expression measured by different preprocessing methods of microarray may be variant. The difference between preprocessing methods may confuse scientists. So, we assume the gene expression measured by real-time polymerase chain reaction methods as a standard expression to compare gene expression measurement by microarray using different preprocessing methods.