摘要 本文主要是使用雲凝結核計數器進行實地量測以探討次微米氣溶膠活化能力的特性,並進一步應用到輻射效應上。吾人透過雲凝結計數器的原理瞭解與實地操作,並建立了完整的次微米粒子在雲凝結計數器的雲霧室活化成長過程之微物理的熱力運動方程。 吾人針對不同空氣源中次微米粒子做實地量測,觀測地點為台北的中央氣象局頂樓,獲得2000年5月22~28與6月7~9日次微米氣溶膠濃度的日變化情形,進一步與空氣品質比較、活化率的估算、C,k參數的計算及對光的削減係數之研究,將其結果歸納如下:(1) 空氣中次微米氣溶膠濃度有複雜日變化,可能受近地表人為活動與氣象場的變化有關,例如,雨刷作用使次微米氣溶膠的濃度相顯著降低。 (2)在觀測期間台北盆地近地表之總碳氫化合物對於次微米氣溶膠的活化能力有很好相關性,其相關係數為0.48。(3)在觀測期間中午之前的次微米氣溶膠活化率高於下午之後,可能與空氣品質中總碳氫化合物有關。(4) 觀測期間得到C,k參數的與過去觀測文獻資料有一致性。 Abstract This study is aimed to estimate the activation capacity of submicron aerosols and their radiation effect, based on CCN measurements. By means of theoretical approach and experimental operation of CCN counter, a set of microphysical thermodynamic equations describing the aerosol activation process in the cloud chamber was established. During 22-28 May, and 7-9 June, 2000, the CCN counter was operated at the roof of the Central Weather Bureau (CWB) Building, Taipei. The measurements were further compared with air qualities, and also used to calculate activation ratio, microphysical properties including parameters C and k, and extinction coefficient of light scattering. The results are summarized as follows:(1)The concentration of submicron aerosol presented a diurnal variation, resulting from activities and meteorological variation. For example, washout effect significantly decreased the aerosol concentration.(2)There was a good correlation between total hydrocarbon and activation ability of the submicron aerosol in Taipei basin near the surface during measuring period.(3)During the observation period activation ratio of the sub-micrometer aerosol before noon is higher than that in afternoon.(4)Parameters C and k for our cases were consistency with the observations in previous studies.