國內目前最大宗用水為農業用水,因農業用水的缺水容忍度較民生、工業為高,故可在乾旱缺水期間,調度農業用水做為替代用水。桃園灌區為台灣重要的農業生產區域之一,其灌溉系統主要仰賴石門水庫透過桃園大圳系統及河水堰取水外,尚有埤塘供水系統,可做調度配水運用。本研究針對桃園大圳第二支線作為農業灌溉之研究區域,利用研究區域內之雨量站所測資料及灌區水文、地文與灌溉資料做為模式建構之資料來源,配合桃園大圳當全面實施輪流灌溉、並配合埤池調蓄方式,以系統動力模式模擬桃園灌區期作之運作情形,配合變遷雨量之影響,進而得到灌區內之迴歸水量、滲漏水量及灌區內水量變化等資料,並改變系統總進水量及操作方式,以評估對作物生長之影響。以桃園大圳實際實施輪流灌溉並配合埤池調蓄方式為供水操作基礎,以系統動力模式模擬桃園灌區期作之運作情形,配合變遷雨量之影響,進而得到灌區內之迴歸水量、滲漏水量及灌區內水量變化等資料,並改變系統總進水量及操作方式,以評估對作物生長之影響。並加入影響降雨型態之條件機率,利用水文序率統計方法,進而模擬未來可能發生降雨分佈形式,探討農業生產影響及水源調配之可行性,以供農田及水利相關單位於耕作或乾旱發生期間,用水調配之參考。 The largest water demand in Taiwan is for agriculture usage. Due to the higher tolerance, agriculture water can sometimes transfer to household or industry water usage as substitute water during drought period. Taoyuan irrigation area is one of important agriculture crop field areas in Taiwan. The water comes from Shihmen reservoir through Taoyuan irrigation channel system and several river weirs. The pond system in this area also has particular water allocation function. Taoyuan irrigation channel the 2nd branch field was chosen as study area. The rainfall, hydrology, physiography condition and irrigation data were collected as data base. The Vensim model was used to simulate the crop operation during whole irrigation period. This study tried to combine rotation irrigation method, rainfall change and pond allocation to estimate the change of return flow, leakage and field water level. Several total inflow amount and irrigation operation cases were also chosen to estimate the effect of crop growth. 研究期間:10006 ~ 10012