本研究預訂以實驗方法,分析超臨界CO2冷媒在微流道熱交換器內之熱傳及流動特性,以供CO2熱泵或空調系統熱交換器設計之依據。整體計畫執行期限為兩年,第一年建立測試系統及實驗分析單一微流道內之流動壓降及熱傳特性,建立超臨界二氧化碳流體基本熱傳及壓降資料庫,第二年則測試整體微流道熱交換器之熱傳及壓降性能,並提出設計經驗式。經由本計畫所得之微流道熱交換器設計成果,可應用於目前與工研院之合作成果內,編撰成設計軟體,直接依應用需求,進行微流道熱交換器設計。可望提供國內研究機構及產業未來發展CO2冷媒空調系統,所需之相關基本資料,以為其後續研究或開發產品之參考。另外本計畫所得出CO2冷媒在超臨界狀態之熱流特性,亦可作為國內開發CO2熱泵氣體冷卻器之依據。 This is a two years period research project. The thermal and flow characteristics of supercritical CO2 refrigerant in microchannel heat exchangers will be analyzed experimentally. The flow pressure drop and heat transfer performance of supercritical CO2 in a single microchannel will be tested and the fundamental data base of supercritical CO2 will be established in the first year. In the second year, the microchannel heat exchanger will be designed and fabricated. It performance will also be tested. It is expected that the results of this project will be applied by the local research institutes and manufacturers for related air-condition and heat pump system design. 研究期間:10001 ~ 10012