本計畫中將探討類碰撞式壓電吸振器用於結構振動控制的相關問題。壓電材料可黏貼於結構物之上,作為壓電吸振器的一部份,壓電材料通常可視為一等效電容和一電壓源的組合,再外接電阻和電感即構成最基本的壓電吸振器。若要使機械式吸振器之減振頻率更寬,碰撞式吸振器為一簡單而可行之辦法。若將類似概念用於壓電吸振器,為造成質量碰撞效應於壓電吸振器上,將進行設計具類似狀態轉換功能的擬碰撞電路系統,希望設計出一穩定、可靠的被動式碰撞壓電吸振器,使得結構物之寬頻減振更容易實現。本計畫之特點在於如何利用簡單的電子被動元件,設計不需要使用DSP進行狀態切換之被動式壓電吸振器,以簡化整體吸振器之結構。計畫中將由理論分析開始著手,即先推導複合結構(結構與壓電之組合)運動方程式,再得到壓電與狀態轉換(碰撞)電路方程式,而此二類型方程式必須聯立解才能得到,接著分析多種不同的狀態轉換電路之數值解,以瞭解其功效與優缺點,最後將輔以狀態變換壓電吸振器的實驗驗證,並變化不同的系統參數,以討論此類型吸振器之功效。This research provides the design of impact piezoelectric absorbers for vibration control. Piezoelectric material shunted with a resistor and an inductor has similar characteristics to a passive mechanical dynamic absorber. The mechanical absorber has a drawback of narrow bandwidth. That is, it can only effectively reduce vibration near the design frequency. Introduction of an impact mechanism can give more broadband frequency range of vibration control. This research then will propose state-switching circuits similar to the impact mechanism. The electric circuits can be chosen as the combination of resistors, inductors, diodes, and other electric elements. The abrupt change of currents passing through the diode quite resembles the sudden variation of speed due to impact. Then, the system energy can be eliminated in a broad bandwidth way by using state-switching piezoelectric absorbers. This type of piezoelectric absorbers will be used for vibration reduction of a vibrating structure in the research. The equations of motion of the composite system, including the structure and the piezoelectric material, are first derived. The design of the state-switching circuits is then addressed. The electric governing equations of the piezoelectric circuits are also found. Generalized coordinates of the vibrating structure and the currents of the absorber circuits are solved numerically. Then, the forced responses of the structure, under control by the absorbers, are obtained. Related experiments are conducted for verification of the numerical results. Discussions are focused on the design of the absorbers for a better and broadband vibration-reduction effect. 研究期間:10008 ~ 10107