時程延遲在營建工程專案經常出現,而致使延遲的履約爭議日益增加。在解決延遲的履約爭議時,經常無法使契約雙方獲得滿意的結果,究其原因,除了多數延遲的責任歸屬不易確認外,另一主要原因乃是延遲分析之計算結果無法令雙方滿意。時程延遲分析的計算方式,已有相關研究提出數種模式。然而過去的研究多數著重於表面形態的分析層次(分析原規劃與竣工網圖),少數探究基本原因(如工率折減)之影響,因此分析方法之實用性仍有提升之空間。本計畫為三年期研究計畫之第三期,延續目前已完成的工率折減文獻回顧與案例收集,同時透過初步建立的分析模式為基礎,再透過搭配現有商用排程軟體,開發具分析工率折減之時程延遲分析系統。整體而言,本系列計畫之主要目的為建立一可適用國內工程環境,且考量工率折減問題之時程延遲分析方法,以使日後國內營建專案面臨工率折減之延遲問題時,可以透過本研究所提出之技術獲致滿意之分析成果。Schedule delays commonly appear in construction projects and result in delay claim progressively. The resolutions for most delay claims usually cannot satisfy both of the contract parties. The root causes of such circumstances are that the responsibilities of most delays are hard to identified, and the calculation results of available delay analysis techniques are unacceptable for contract parties. Several studies have proposed various schedule delay analysis techniques. However, most of the previous studies focused on the surface data (as-planned and as-built schedule) analysis, few of them on evaluating the effects of root causes, such as lost productivity. Therefore, plenty of available delay analysis techniques have rooms to improve their capabilities in solving real delay situations. This project is the third stage of a three-year research project that targets to develop a localized schedule delay analysis method that considers the effect of lost productivity. In the past, this research project had reviewed the literature of lost productivity and delay analysis methodologies, collected several delay cases caused by lost productivity, and developed preliminary analysis methodology. The major task in these serial projects in the future is to incorporate developed methodology into commercial scheduling software to develop a practical delay analysis system. In sum, this research project aims to develop a schedule delay analysis system based on available professional scheduling software to deal with lost productivity problem within schedule delay analysis. In the future, the problem of schedule delay with lost productivity will be solved with satisfied analytical results for delay analysts. 研究期間:10008 ~ 10107