由於能源日漸短缺,其他替代性能源輾轉被利用,尤以煤之蘊藏量最為豐富。目前各先進國家在先進燃煤發電系統主要研發項目即為整合型氣化煤複循環系統(IGCC; Integrated Gasification Combined-Cycle)。在燃煤氣化後之高溫合成氣體中含有大量粒狀物質及有害物質,除環境保護考量外,也需在高溫高壓狀態下去除合成氣中的有害物質,防範下游之燃氣渦輪機(Gas Turbine)受到損壞,以確保氣渦輪機動力系統的正常運作。故發展高溫氣體淨化技術,乃為現今當前要務之一。流動式顆粒床過濾器淨化高溫氣體是IGCC 系統中提昇效率之主要關鍵之一,但在顆粒床中一直存在濾材靜止區形成問題,造成過濾系統堵塞使過濾效率降低。在過去幾年研究中,我們已經發展了顆粒床內置入一系列流動校正單元,可有效解決靜止區產生問題。不過,對於高溫氣體淨化系統的商業化,尚有許多問題仍需解決。第一年計畫中將針對流動式顆粒床整體過濾系統實務應用發展,建立相關風速-壓降監控、粉塵供應設備與即時濾餅量測系統,並實際進行冷性能過濾試驗,使整體除塵過濾效率達95%以上,並統整相關實驗數據後,探討流動式的顆粒床系統濾餅過濾機制,建立一完整冷模資料庫,以為未來熱模系統作為前期規劃。第二年計畫將結合第一年計畫的成果,設計針對為達連續操作發電程序而不中斷的濾材循環再生系統,搭配氣送系統將已經過濾材/粉塵篩分系統篩分過的乾淨顆粒再利用於顆粒床體中,而最佳的實驗參數將與顆粒床過濾系統結合。計畫所得之成果,除使顆粒床過濾器系統更加完整連續化以外,也將提供未來高溫淨化系統設計商業化之依據。 The high-temperature gas cleanup system was designed in order to promote the performance of the IGCC power system. The IGCC system is considered the highest potential facility provide the important design for advanced coal-fired power plants. The high temperature syngas contains many dust particulates and fly ashes which should be filtrated before entering gas turbine. The moving granular bed used for filtration of the hot gas is one important apparatus under development. When the filter granules move downwards through the vertical channel, the stagnation zones may form causing serious plugging problem. Putting a series of flow corrective elements has been demonstrated to be a good solution to diminish the stagnant zones and has been patented by our research group. However there still remain some systematic problems to commercialize the whole facility. The cold test filtration experiments in the first year include the filtration efficiency and the moving bed pressure drop measurements. The filter granular circulation rate, the inlet gas velocity and the dust cake are important factors influencing the filtration efficiency. The filtration efficiency can arrived above 95 %. The database of cold model will be established according to the experimental results. For the second year, we will design the regenerative to clean and transport the filter media to granular bed filter. The optimal results will be incorporated into the granular bed filter system. The results will give important information for designing the hot model of the moving granular bed filters in the future. 研究期間:10001 ~ 10012