在成功的以斜壓不穩定機制解釋了溫帶地區的旋生、鋒生等等天氣系統的發生與發展之後;近幾年來許多學者傾向於將CISK與近赤道地區的各種波動結合,並將其視為一個可以成功解釋低斜壓性環境中各種天氣系統的波動性不穩定機制。 然而,在Cho (2000 a,b)、Cho & Wang(2001)的研究中卻指出:這樣的一個機制看似合理,但在正確的數學模式檢驗之下發現Wave-CISK機制除了在Equatorial Kelvin-wave以外,並不會產生不穩定的結果。在Cho et al.的研究中曾檢驗了general concept CISK與Rossby wave、Gravity wave、Rossby-Gravity wave、Equatorial Kelvin wave之間的交互作用。在這些文章中,都證明了在這些情況下Wave-CISK並不會產生不穩定的結果。 本研究的目的便是承續上列成果,針對Rossby wave、Gravity wave、Rossby-Gravity wave與Evaporation-Wind Feedback Mechanism CISK之間的交互作用檢驗其結果。在本研究中,同樣得到了『CISK與這些波動結合之後的波速與頻率皆為純實數』的結論。 We have shown in this paper that the three kinds of equatorial disturbances, namely, the Rossby waves, the mixed Rossby-Gravity waves, and the gravity waves, are stable with respect to wave-CISK for Neelin-Emanuel cumulus parameterization scheme.This, together with the proof for Kelvin waves that is presented in Cho(2000a,b), means that there is no wave-CISK in the tropical atmosphere. We also reached the conclusion that for Neelin-Emanuel cumulus parameterization scheme, equatorial disturbances are always stable with respect to any kind of atmoshperic instability.