本計畫研究二十世紀中國戲曲因社會和政治變遷而產生之轉型,由相互關聯的兩個子題組成。第一子題「『戲曲工具論』探源」,研討清末「戲曲改良」及其和日本的關係,比較「戲曲改良」和「新文化運動」對「舊劇」之批判,探析這二者(特別是「新文化運動」)對於後世中國知識分子戲曲觀念的影響,具體觀察戲曲的社會功能及其與現實政治的關係是如何不斷地被強化的。第二子題「『新戲曲』之催生與發展」,探討1949 年以後,具嚴整意識形態、高度重視文藝工作中國共產黨,如何運用已掌握了的權力和各種資源,全面改造傳統戲曲,促使其產生了根本性的、結構性的改變,並逐漸催生出一種有別於傳統戲曲的「新戲曲」。儘管現在人們普遍把「新戲曲」稱之為「戲曲」,但它在諸多方面均已和1949 年以前的傳統戲曲有著本質的不同。 This research project will study how China’s social and political changes influenced xiqu transformation in the twentieth century. The project includes two related sections. The first section will discuss the xiqu reform under the Western impact via Japan in the beginning of the twentieth century. The section will also compare the xiqu reform with the criticism on xiqu in the New Culture Movement of the late 1910s, and analyze the influences of these two events on Chinese intellectuals’ attitude toward xiqu afterwards. The second section of the project will examine how the Chinese government utilized its power and resources to promote the Xiqu Reform Movement in 1950s, and then fundamentally changed the evolutionary process of Chinese xiqu and created a kind of new xiqu as well. 研究期間:10008 ~ 10107