在許多今人的論述中,孔傳本古文《尚書》之偽自閻若璩已成定讞,因此,與閻氏持相異觀點的著作,長期被忽視。但事實上,自乾嘉至晚清,對古文《尚書》的討論卻從未中止過,姑不論古文真偽的問題,這些歷史上存在過的現象,本應為學術研究者關注,更何況許多今人的研究成果顯示,閻若璩的論點是有再商榷的空間的。本計畫即擬探討古文《尚書》在晚清的發展,包括以其為真或偽及在真、偽之外的其他觀點。考察時兼顧方法與思想兩個層面,並觀察其與漢宋學、今文學及考據學等的關係,以解釋晚清學風之特色、形成及演變。 The Gu wen shang shu (lit. ancient script Classic of Documents) was consid ered in much modern scholarship to have been fabricated by Yen Ruoqu (閻若璩), so that the works different from Yen’s opinion were often overlooked. Ho wever, debates on the Ku-wen shang-shu continued from the Qian-jia period to the late Qing. Furthermore, more recent research indicates that Yen’s opinion is debatable. This research plan will examine the development of Gu wen shan g shu studies in the late Qing, including the question of whether or not it was an authentic ancient document. I will consider this issue both in terms of the methods of inquiry and intellectual aspects. I will also consider the relations between the Gu wen shang shu question and the Han-Song Learning debate, N ew Text scholarship, and evidential scholarship (考據學). 研究期間:10008 ~ 10107