本研究主要目的在結合陸域通量觀測、模擬與參數化研究以完整探討地表過程,研究樣區為中部蓮華池試驗集水區屬多物種之中低海拔天然常綠闊葉林,在通量觀測部分將涵蓋動量、能量、水氣與CO2 通量,模擬部分將結合通量觀測與水文微氣象觀測以陸面過程模式模擬此樣區之地表過程特性,參數化研究部份將著重本土地表過程參數之推求,如植被阻抗與空氣動力阻抗係數之推估,與蒸發散過程與土壤呼吸作用之參化方法建立,並將進一步推估此樣區之淨生態系統交換速率,透過長期監測亦將探討上述地表過程通量之季節性變異特性。儀器部分僅需增加渦流協變系統觀測所需之CO2/H2O 氣體分析儀(Li7500A)、資料記錄器(CR3000)與高精度之超音波風速計(CSAT3),其餘完整之水文微氣象觀測系統皆已建置完成(經費來源為國科會與中大),而在土壤呼吸作用觀測儀則為自行設計研發,二氧化碳剖面觀測則為自行組裝。在前期研究之蓮華池測站水氣與能量之通量觀測成果,顯示本站之渦流協變法所推估通量之能量收支可達90%,已具國際上通量觀測水準。因此本計畫將以三年期程使此測站之通量觀測更加完整。第一年重點在新增CO2 通量觀測之研究能量,以建立完整地表過程通量觀測技術,此外並發展通量資料缺補模式,以供完整推估長期通量;第二年重點在探討地表過程能量、水氣、二氧化碳通量之相互關聯與季節性變異,並進一步結合通量觀測進行地表過程模擬與推估地表過程參數;第三年重點在參數化土壤呼吸作用與蒸發散作用,並建立樣區地表過程通量資料庫,提供本土通量資料服務國內學界並與國際接軌。 The purpose of this study is to integrating flux measurements, simulations, and parameterizations for investigating land processes. The study site is the Lien-Hua-Chih (LHC) experimental watershed having a natural broadleaf forest with mixed shrubs and ferns in lower canopy. Flux measurements will involve momentum, energy, water, and CO2 fluxes. Simulations will combine integrated hydrometeorological and flux observations for calibrating and validating land process models. Parameterizations will focus on estimating land processes parameters, such as canopy and aerodynamic resistances of the local site. Further studies will deliver parameterization schemes for evapotranspiration and soil respiration. Finally, the net ecosystem exchange of the study site will be estimated. With long measurements, we will be able to investigate seasonal variability of land process fluxes. Regarding instruments, only a CO2/H2O gas analyzer, a data logger (CR3000), and a high precision sonic anemometer (CSAT3) require funding supports; other instruments have been previously supported with the NSC and the NCU internal funds. Besides, we have designed an automatic open/close soil respiration and CO2 profile instruments with low costs. Based on previous results of energy and water fluxes measurements with the eddy covariance (EC) technique at the LHC, the energy closure can reach as high as 90% which is internationally recognized as a suitable site for EC measurement. This project will cover 3 years of fundamental research. The first year will add CO2 flux measurement to accomplish complete land process flux observations and develop a flux gap-filling model for estimating long term fluxes. The second year will focus on investigating long-term and seasonal flux variability and land process simulations and parameterizations. The third year will develop parameterization schemes for describing evapotranspiration and soil respiration and build flux databases for promoting international cooperation and domestic researchers. 研究期間:10008 ~ 10107