歷年以來,地震研究多以研究地表測站的紀錄為主,因此資料品質深受站址及雜訊的影響,無法分析微小地震。台灣車籠埔深鑽(TCDP)在斷層帶上下設置7-level地震儀,深度為地下850~1300公尺。此井下地震儀紀錄可紀錄極微小地震,且低雜訊,將可有效的分析,小地震至大地震的地震波相特性。TCDP-A井中安裝三分量七層井下地震儀陣列,間距為50到60公尺,跨越車籠埔斷層主要破裂帶1111公尺,本計畫在計劃中,如計畫時程規劃,以下列方向進行,達到研究目的: 1. 由井下地震儀分析淺層及斷層帶衰減特性。 2. 蒐集井下地震儀地震資料分析地震尺度的震源參數關係。 3. 持續分析小地震及大地震起始波形的特性。在此三年期的計畫中將陸續由以上的計畫目標進行觀測及研究,以目前及未來持續紀錄的地震分析其特性以助於了解地震斷層的特性。第一年的研究,已針對斷層帶衰減特性,做一系列的研究。在第二年的計畫中,將持續分析所記錄的小地震之地震尺度的震源參數關係,若氣象局井下地震儀的資料,需協助分析,亦希望能協助分析其地震記錄的敏感度及以其衰減特性瞭解場址的特性。 Taiwan Chelungpu-fault Borehole Seimsomters (TCDPBHS) deployed at the depth spanned from 950m to 1300m, which crossing the fault at 1111m had recorded very nice waveform for micro-eartqhuakes and cluster events near and close to the Chelungpu fault. Our project will carry on for the following research targets, 1. Investigation of the attenuation structure of fault zoned 2. Earthquake scaling law for small to large earthquake 3. Investigation of the possible initial phases of small to large events The results from this study will understand the earthquake physics of small to large earthquake and the fault zone structure for further understand on prediction of the faulting behavior of large earthquake. The study of the coming year will focus on the scaling of small to large earthquakes and the possibility of assist CWB borehole seismometers capability examination, and the investigation of the site through Q determination of the borehole sites. 研究期間:10001 ~ 10012