本計畫利用工研院能環所在臺灣宜蘭清水地熱區鑽探1500公尺的地熱井,以及國科會國家型能源計畫的資助實施水力破壞試驗及連續孔內電測資料和探勘井所鑽取的200公尺岩心,詳細紀錄其裂隙相關的構造,配合前人野外的觀察以瞭解岩心裂隙及礦物充填關係。配合水力破壞試驗及連續孔內影像電測的資料,量測並評估現地應力場狀態,並結合區域的震源機制、現地的井孔與岩心試驗三種不同尺度及方法,來估計宜蘭清水地熱地區現今的應力狀態。由以上分析瞭解應力狀態及與導水裂隙之間的關聯,並建立地熱發電裂隙評估技術與方法。計畫成果的重要貢獻,主要包括:(1)確立清水導水裂隙之位態,協助未來鑽井位置的選定與地熱能源的評估。(2)發展國內應力狀態的分析方法,其可以對於學術研究或鑽井工程提供更多應力狀態的資訊。(3)建立導水裂隙與應力狀態之關聯,可幫助建立清水地之形成機制,其結果並可以應用到其他區域之地熱開發。(4)其導水裂隙與應力狀態之關聯可以進一步應用關於流體封存之研究,例如:二氧化碳儲存槽與核廢料處置場之評估工作。 This research intends to utilize the data from 1500 m exploration well drilled in the Chinhsui geothermal field, Ilan of Northeastern Taiwan. Detailed studies and measurements of fractures will be conducted on the 200m cores retrieved from depth of 600-800m intervals. Hydraulic fracturing test and borehole image logging data will be used to determine the minimum horizontal stress. The downhole measured stress will be linked with core-based methods (AE and ASR) and regional stress filed from earthquake seismicity. Combined with three scales of studies, we hope to characterize the stress state in a transtensional/extensional environment such as the Chinhsui geothermal field, Ilan. Other logging data can be further used to identify the potential fractured zones that provide conduits of subsurface hot fluid. The purposes of this project are to understanding the relationship between stress state and conduit-fractures, with provided data of stress state estimation and facture orientation/mineral filling/type around the Chinhsui geothermal field of Ilan in order to develop the techniques and methods for optimum usage of the geothermal energy. 研究期間:10001 ~ 10012