本子計畫擬以台灣著名之大型山崩案例做為素材,透過遙感影像判釋、地形分析及野外地質精查,進行大型山崩發生區位之地形與地質背景探討,並針對個案山崩之特性與山崩過程做回顧。本子計畫同時進行個案山崩所在流域之地形與地質分析暨歷年山崩之統計分析,找出大型山崩的地形與地質特徵,並瞭解大型與小型山崩之間的標度律。流域內是否有發生大型山崩的潛在地點亦將予以探討。本計畫書為三年期整合型研究計畫之第二年子計畫,重點將放在南港溪流域及磺溪流域;其中九份二山山崩及金山山崩將是回顧及探討的重點。三年內將完成台灣重要大型山崩之回顧,並與國外著名案例做比較研究,希望建立以台灣案例為主之活動造山帶大型山崩分類及其地形演變之討論。 Review and Data Analysis of Large-scale Landslides in Taiwan To meet the goal of the main project, this sub-project plan to take some famous large-scale landslide cases of Taiwan as the material to study their geomorphology and geology, and to review landslide properties and process for each case, through remote sensing image interpretation, geomorphic analysis and detailed field geological survey. This sub-project will also perform analysis on multi-temporal landslide inventories at the drainage basin where a famous landslide is located, so that characteristic marks of landslides could be identified. The scaling law which controls the landslide size distribution could also be found. Does there exist potential catastrophic landslide in the drainage basin will also be discussed. The main project is a three-year plan, and this is the second year plan of the present sub-project. The study area in this second year will concentrated at the Nankanchi drainage basin and the Huangchi drainage basin; the famous Chiufengerhshan landslide and the Jingshan landslide will be reviewed and studied with new data. Review of large-scale landslides in Taiwan will be finished in three years. Comparison with world cases will also be included in this study. The optimal goal of this sub-project is to established large-scale landslide classification with discussion of landform evolution in an active orogen like in Taiwan. 研究期間:10008 ~ 10107