參數量測及推估方法如水力剖面掃描、地電阻探測、震波折射或透地雷達等,整合應用於水力參數推估,使得現地尺度的裂隙含水層試驗與參數推估有重大的突破。然而,無論試驗方法或推估模式,這些新的技術在應用上仍存在著不同程度的問題需要解決,其中最常被研究者討論的問題為水力參數代表性尺度,不同尺度量測資訊整合,以及不同量測方法之資訊整合。針對這些關鍵問題,本研究將使用不同水力試驗配合序率升尺度法,以本所既設之裂隙岩層井場,將跨尺度水力參數推估問題延伸到裂隙含水層系統,主要研究目的為:(1)推估裂隙含水層水力參數在不同量測尺度之代表性水力參數(representative hydraulic parameters);(2)量化分析不同量測尺度水力參數,並且界定各種量測方法之代表性尺度(representative scale);以及(3)發展資訊整合模式,整合不同量測方法及不同量測尺度資訊。本延續性研究規劃為期兩年的研究,以執行中的研究成果為基礎,第一年將持續長期水文資料量測,延伸目前執行中計畫成果,建立各試驗方法之尺度相關性。第二年將完成資訊整合推估模式,由前期試驗及觀測結果進行模式檢定與驗證,利用模式評估不同尺度水力試驗方法對相同尺度參數推估結果之差異,最後由建立完成之整合推估模式,結合所有觀測資訊重建井場附近高解析度之參數空間分布。本研究過程中所提出之量測方法、分析步驟以及參數推估模式建立,可提供未來工程實務上,進行裂隙含水層參數分析時較高效益的方法。 The developments of estimation technologies such as hydraulic tomography, electrical resistivity tomography, seismic wave tomography, and ground penetrating radar surveys have made significant improvements on measuring accuracy and resolution of the hydrogeological property such as hydraulic conductivity (K) in fractured aquifer systems. However, applications of the innovative technologies, especially the measurement methods and the associated inversion algorithms, remain the issues for most practical problems. The issues that are frequently debated by most investigators include the representative scale of a parameter when a measurement method is used, the integration of measurement information from a method but on different scales, and the integration of measurement information from different methods and different scales. These issues must be addressed before the measured hydrogeological properties to be used for practical problems with sufficient accuracy. In this study, we will use different hydraulic tests associated with a stochastic upscaling method to address the important cross-scale issues for fractured aquifer systems. The fractured well field is located in Jian-Shi Township, Hsin-Shi County, Taiwan. The objectives of the study are (1) to evaluate the representative K for different measurement scales in the fractured aquifer system, (2) to quantify the representative scales for specific hydraulic test methods and build the scale dependency within different scales, and (3) to develop a data integration model that enable us to incorporate data from different hydraulic tests on different scales and provide high resolution of K distributions for fractured aquifer systems. On the basis of the ongoing project, the main task in the first year is to link the relationship within different scales (or scale dependency) and develop a preliminary version of data fusion model for integrating measurement information from different scales/methods. In the second year, the developed model will be validated with the measurement data from different hydraulic tests in the fractured aquifer system. The differences from different hydraulic test methods at same scale will be evaluated and an insight into the used of different methods will be provided for future applications. In the end of the project, the high resolution K distribution that involves cross-scale information will be obtained by using the developed model and the associated measurements. 研究期間:10008 ~ 10107