2003 年以後,東亞地區的日本、韓國與臺灣等民主國家,先後在各自的選舉過程中,實際推動政權公約或採用政權公約的概念。此一發展歷程,在觀察、分析當代東亞地區的民主政治上,具有重大的意義。本研究計畫擬以「民主治理」中的責任政治、決策機制、治理與課責等核心概念,探討下列問題:一、何以日本、韓國與臺灣在2000 年後競相採用政權公約制度,做為實踐民主政治的重要措施?研究重心放在政權公約制度的民主政治意涵,也進一步描繪出當代民主化運動在東亞三國發展的真實面貌。二、此種制度選擇,在當代民主制度下如何予以定位?研究焦點是透過對日、韓政權公約制度實施的比較分析,探討該制度如何影響該國的政治發展與政治文化變遷。三、日本與韓國的經驗,對於臺灣的民主發展有何啟示?主要是藉由對日韓政權公約制度的實證分析,從民主治理的觀點來觀察2000 年後臺灣的民主進程與政黨競爭。The implement of manifesto system in three democratic countries in East Asia (Japan, South Korea and Taiwan) after 2000, brought out the important concept and framework to analyse the democracy in East Asia. Therefore, this project attempts to use the key concepts of democratic governance, such as responsive politics, decision making mechanism, governance and accountability, to discuss following issues: 1. Why Japan, South Korea and Taiwan implemented the manifesto system after 2000? The democratic meaning of manifesto system, and the development of democracy in these countries would be deeply discussed. 2. How to comprehend the implement of manifesto system in Japan and South Korea under concept of the modern democracy? By comparison of manifesto system of these two countries, the influences on the political development and the political culture would be fully discussed. 3. What are the implications for the development of Taiwan’s democracy through the experiences of Japan and South Korea? By the positive analysis of democratic governance and the manifesto system in Japan and South Korea, the development of democracy and the competition among parties in Taiwan after 2000 would be correctly described. 研究期間:10008 ~ 10107