中尺度對流系統與颱風是臺灣地區常見的兩個災害性天氣系統,雖為降水之主要來源,但其所帶來的豪大雨,卻往往造成社會國家的重大災害及損失。然而,颱風的生命期多處於海洋上,傳統觀測資料明顯不足,中尺度對流系統則是發展過於迅速,一般的探空資料無法及時且有效的掌握相關資訊,所以若能透過衛星觀測資料來進行監測,不僅可以克服資料不足的缺點,亦可以增加大範圍且即時的觀測資訊。因此,本計畫將利用衛星的觀測資料,配合海氣參數遙測技術之研發與改進,針對中尺度對流系統與颱風生成發展進行探討,期能提供即時監測與預報之參考依據。在中尺度對流系統方面,擬使用NOAA 與MODIS(Terra 與Aqua)衛星資料反演大氣垂直溫濕剖面,來估算大氣穩定指數(K Index,KI 和Total Totals Index, TTI)和水氣含量等大氣熱力參數,再加入地面測站資料提供之輻散場、風向等大氣動力參數資訊,同時配合Liu et al.(2002)發展之客觀潛力指數(OPI),對中尺度對流系統進行研究,並分析其發展機制,進而建立臺灣地區豪大雨的監測與預報技術。颱風生成方面,則使用美國國防氣象衛星計畫(DMSP)所發射衛星上裝載之 SSM/I 微波資料來估算海氣參數(潛熱通量、可感熱通量及潛熱釋放量),利用海氣間交互作用產生的能量來分析雲簇由晴空生成、發展至熱帶氣旋或颱風階段的情形,並加入QuikSCAT 風場資料、GMS-5、GOES-9 與MASAT 的IR 影像等資料輔助,期藉由探討環境場提供的能量,來分析颱風形成之激發機制,進而偵測颱風之生成與前兆分析。Mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) and typhoons are two frequently seen disastrous weather systems around Taiwan area, and are two of main sources for the water resources. However, they often cause major damages. Generally speaking, satellite data are much better than the traditional weather observations either in temporal and spatial resolutions and coverage because of the fast-developing of these two systems and most of their life periods is over oceans. The aim of this study is to use satellite observations along with their air-sea parameter retrievals to analyze these two weather systems. For the MCS part, NOAA and MODIS satellite data will be used to retrieve the atmospheric temperature/humidity profiles and to compute the atmospheric stability indices (K Index and Total Index) and water vapor contents. With these atmospheric thermal parameters and dynamic parameters (divergence field and wind directions) observed by weather stations, the MCS dynamic mechanism could be analyzed to establish a better monitoring and forecasting system for heavy rainfall in the future. For the typhoon part, DMSP SSM/I data along with QuikSCAT wind fields and geostationary IR data will be used to estimate the air-sea parameters (latent heat flux, sensible heat flux and latent heat release), to analyze the environmental air-sea interactions. With that, a better understanding could be obtained for the process of how cloud clusters occur over clear sky areas and how typhoons form, for typhoon precursor monitoring and forecasting. 研究期間:10008 ~ 10107