中央大學天文研究所規劃於99 年8 月15 日至19 日,於桃園縣復興鄉青年活動中心舉辦第十二屆天文研習營。本屆天文營的主題是「邁向演化的終結」,將邀請國內的專家,介紹地球、太陽系、恆星、星系乃至於宇宙如何演化。本次活動全長五天四夜,邀請國內十位講員,再加上研究生助教及學員等,除學員繳費(支付自己食宿)外,我們希望能向國科會科教處申請約新台幣332,150 元的補助支付其他費用。 The Graduate Institute of Astronomy at the National Central University plans to hold the 11th Astronomy Summer Camp at Fushing Youth Activity Center, Taoyuan County, from August 15th to the 19th, 2011. The theme of the camp this year is “The End”. The lectures will introduce how our Earth, solar system, stars, galaxies and even our Universe toward the end of evolution. The activity lasts for 5 days and 4 nights. We invite 10 scientists from Academia Sinica, National Tsing Hua University, National Taiwan University, National Taiwan Normal University, and National Central University as the camp speakers. There will be observing instructors and graduate student staffs for the camp. The total number of people will be 81. Except the students paying for their own food and lodging, we apply for support from NSC for the amount of NT$ 332,150 for other expenses of the camp. 研究期間:10006 ~ 10105